ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | river/ˈrɪv.ər/ | رودخانه | اسم |
Everything west of the river was blank. It was on these byways that Dean opted to travel, rolling along the river with the down of cottonwoods filling the air like a winter snowstorm, past the occasional farm house, fields, and ever-present vista of mountains wrapping around him. |
watercourse waterway stream tributary brook |
2 | ahead/əˈhed/ | جلو رو به رو | قید |
Go ahead and take a seat while I set another place. I'm ahead of them! |
forwards towards the front frontwards onwards on forth in front |
3 | on/ɔːn/ | بر روی | حرف اضافه |
"Alex tells me you have some nice horses on your ranch," Carmen said to Señor Medena. A warm hand rested on her waist. |
supported by resting on in contact with on to functioning in operation working |
4 | moon/muːn/ | ماه | اسم |
You see the stars and the moon instead of how dark the night is. The moon is full, the sky full of stars. |
satellite waste time fiddle loaf idle mope |
5 | equator/ɪˈkweɪtər/ | خط استوا | اسم |
The heat equator, or line of maximum mean surface temperature, starts from the African coast in about 5° N. Of the parallels of latitude, the equator only is a great circle. |
6 | world/wɜːld/ | جهان دنیا | اسم |
There's a world of good you could perform. All the money in the world couldn't have saved her. |
earth globe planet sphere planet satellite |
7 | hit/hɪt/ | تحت تاثیر قرار دادن (در مفهوم منفی) تحت تاثیر قرار گرفتن | فعل |
A train hit their car. You hit the nail again. |
strike slap smack cuff punch |
8 | volcano/vɑlˈkeɪ.noʊ/ | آتشفشان | اسم |
This volcano is all but extinct. The active volcano of Ceboruco rises in the western part of the territory. |
9 | forest/ˈfɔːr.əst/ | جنگل | اسم |
She entered the forest, and the darkness was crushing, suffocating her. The forest air was cool and damp. |
wood woods woodland trees tree plantation |
10 | desert/ˈdɛzɜrt/ | بیابان صحرا | اسم |
The desert night was cold and dark. She turned away from the desert and crossed her arms. |
abandon leave give up cast off turn one's back on throw over |
11 | hemisphere/ˈhɛmɪˌsfɪr/ | نیمکره | اسم |
You know what hemisphere you'll be in when you leave? The foot now protrudes below the mouth, and the post-oral hemisphere of the trochosphere grows more rapidly then the anterior or velar area. |
12 | country/ˈkʌn.tri/ | کشور | اسم |
The country was wild and beautiful. His birth father already suspected she was a country bumpkin. |
state nation sovereign state kingdom realm |
13 | pole/poʊl/ | قطب | اسم |
Jessi relaxed some, leaning against the pole at her side. It is continuous round the pole and roughly is bounded by the arctic circle. |
post pillar stanchion standard paling |
14 | ocean/ˈoʊ.ʃən/ | اقیانوس | اسم |
She faced the ocean, the moon dangling low and large in the sky before her. The sight, sound and scent of the ocean helped her relax. |
sea the sea the drink the briny salt chuck the deep the waves the main the foam |
15 | volcanic/vɔːlˈkænɪk/ | آتشفشانی | صفت |
The islands are, indeed, plainly volcanic in their nature. Its fires are not volcanic, but result from the combustion of coal some distance underground, giving off much smoke and steam; geologists estimate that the burning has been going on for at least 800 years. |
16 | island/ˈɑɪ.lənd/ | جزیره | اسم |
He swam to an island that was not far away. It was a small island, and there was no one living on it. |
isle, islet atoll key cay ait, holm skerry archipelago, chain, group
17 | disaster/dɪˈzæs.tər/ | مصیبت بلا، ناکامی بزرگ | اسم |
The events which led to this disaster may be briefly told. She froze when she saw the disaster that was her apartment. |
catastrophe calamity cataclysm tragedy act of God |
18 | earth/ɜːrθ/ | زمین سیاره زمین | اسم |
The leader of the bad guys on earth died and was replaced. Why on earth would anyone feel sorry for you? |
world globe planet sphere orb land |
19 | drown/draʊn/ | غرق کردن | فعل |
Unless you want to go up and see if we can drown them out. "I didn't drown myself so you could give up!" she snapped, growing upset. |
suffocate in water inhale water go under go to a watery grave go to Davy Jones's locker flood submerge immerse inundate |
20 | sun/sʌn/ | خورشید آفتاب | اسم |
When she opened her eyes the sun was directly overhead. The sun was warm. |
star Sol Helios Phoebus Apollo Ra sunshine sunlight daylight |
21 | continent/ˈkɑnt.ən.ənt/ | قاره | اسم |
Since then this pest has spread across the African continent and even reached Madagascar. The southern shores of the continent receive much less rain. |
22 | see/siː/ | دیدن نگاه کردن، تماشا کردن، ملاقات کردن | فعل |
I see what you mean. Maybe he should see a doctor. |
discern perceive glimpse catch a glimpse of get a glimpse of |
23 | earthquake/ˈɜrθ.kweɪk/ | زلزله زمینلرزه | اسم |
The city was almost totally destroyed by an earthquake in 1766, and again in 1797. The earthquake grew more intense. |
earth tremor tremor convulsion shock foreshock |
24 | space/speɪs/ | فضا مکان، جا | اسم |
I didn't see a space ship! An empty space of some seven hundred yards was all that separated them. |
room expanse extent capacity area |
25 | star/stɑr/ | ستاره ستاره (شکل) | اسم |
"A silent film star," Charlie said. The man with the star regarded her with his calm, expressionless eyes. |
celestial body heavenly body sun asteroid planet planetoid orb horoscope |
26 | flood/flʌd/ | سیل | اسم |
Carmen felt warmth flood her face. She neared him, sensing a flood of raw emotion she didn't understand. |
inundation swamping deluge torrent overflow flash flood |
27 | mountain/ˈmɑʊnt.ən/ | کوه کوهستان | اسم |
The cool mountain air made her shiver. I didn't know this mountain was so tall. |
peak height elevation eminence prominence |
28 | destroy/dəˈstrɔɪ/ | نابود کردن | فعل |
Rhyn wanted to destroy the letter. She said we have to destroy it, too. |
demolish knock down pull down tear down level |
29 | hurricane/ˈhɝː.ɪ.keɪn/ | توفند تندباد دریایی | اسم |
Oh, and the tropical storm will become a hurricane late Saturday night. He'd managed to miss the hurricane, though the waters were still rough and the waves high. |
cyclone typhoon tornado storm tropical storm |
30 | rain forest/ˈreɪn.fɔːr.əst/ | جنگل بارانی (استوایی) | اسم |
31 | lake/leɪk/ | دریاچه برکه | اسم |
She went to the edge of the lake and peered into it. Sometimes even she had put one in her pocket and forgotten to drop it in the lake for weeks. |
pond pool tarn reservoir lagoon |
32 | time/tɑɪm/ | زمان وقت | اسم |
It isn't the first time I've cooked. Did you need time away from me? |
hour o'clock moment point point in time occasion hour |