ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | interface/ˈɪntərˌfeɪs/ | نقطه اتصال | اسم |
2 | critical/ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ | منتقدانه انتقادآمیز | صفت |
At least he didn't look so critical now. Her critical gaze swept over him with a frown. |
censorious condemnatory condemning castigatory reproving |
3 | criterion/kraɪˈtɪriən/ | معیار استاندارد، محک | اسم |
Feeling, therefore, is the only possible criterion alike of knowledge and of conduct. The church lays down a rule of domestic policy, and neither gives nor pretends to give any absolute criterion for the validity of ordination. |
basis point of reference standard norm yardstick |
4 | instigate/ˈɪnstəˌgeɪt/ | بر انگیختن اغوا کردن | فعل |
He didn't instigate anything—just the opposite. Any of these things can cause enough stress in your cat to instigate fur loss. |
set in motion put in motion get under way get going get off the ground |
5 | priority/prɑɪˈɔːr.ət̬.i/ | اولویت ارجحیت | اسم |
The first priority was rescuing children. The priority should probably be assigned to the Orosius, but the point has been much debated. |
prime concern first concern most important consideration most pressing matter matter of greatest importance |
6 | target/ˈtɑrgət/ | هدف | اسم |
She focused on the target, a plate above the hearth. It'll make a good target for your enemies. |
mark bullseye goal aim prey quarry |
7 | target/ˈtɑrgət/ | هدف گرفتن تمرکز داشتن بر، هدف قرار دادن | فعل |
She focused on the target, a plate above the hearth. It'll make a good target for your enemies. |
mark bullseye goal aim prey quarry |
8 | discipline/ˈdɪs.ə.plən/ | انضباط نظم | اسم |
The discipline was there before the Reformers. Sirian's coldness had never struck her as anything but rigid discipline and cool thinking. |
control regulation direction order authority |
9 | top/tɑːp/ | بالاترین و بهترین جایگاه | اسم |
You're already at the top of your class. He straddled a chair and leaned his arms across the top of it while he sipped his coffee. |
summit peak pinnacle crest crown |
10 | understanding/ˌʌn.dərˈstæn.dɪŋ/ | با درک با فهم | صفت |
He is well educated, understanding and intelligent. She has great understanding of us. |
comprehension apprehension grasp grip mastery |
11 | understanding/ˌʌn.dərˈstæn.dɪŋ/ | استنتاج درک، فهم | اسم |
He is well educated, understanding and intelligent. She has great understanding of us. |
comprehension apprehension grasp grip mastery |
12 | achieve/əˈtʃiːv/ | رسیدن (به هدف) به دست آوردن، موفق شدن | فعل |
How do you hope to achieve that? Sometimes they achieve rare beauty by accident. |
attain reach arrive at realize carry off bring off |
13 | aim/eɪm/ | هدف | اسم |
My aim is perfect! She took careful aim and squeezed off a shot. |
point direct train sight focus |
14 | hypothesis-based/haɪˈpɑθəsəs-beɪst/ | فرضیه محور فرضیهای، بر اساس فرضیه | صفت |
15 | mission statement/ˈmɪʃən ˈsteɪtmənt/ | بیانیه ماموریت | اسم |
16 | take priority over/teɪk praɪˈɔrəti ˈoʊvər/ | اولویت داشتن (نسبت به چیزی دیگر) در اولویت بودن | عبارت |
17 | challenge/ˈʧælənʤ/ | چالش | اسم |
I like a challenge once in a while. We had no right to challenge his choices in spite of our lives being tied to his as tightly as a water-logged knot. |
dare provocation summons confrontation with dispute with stand against test of |
18 | aim/eɪm/ | مورد هدف قرار دادن مخاطب قرار دادن | فعل |
My aim is perfect! She took careful aim and squeezed off a shot. |
point direct train sight focus |
19 | knowledge base/ˈnɑləʤ beɪs/ | پایگاه دانش (رایانه) | اسم |
20 | motivate/ˈmoʊtɪveɪt/ | تشویق کردن ترغیب کردن، انگیزه دادن | فعل |
To motivate you, the game gives out trophies for achieving certain things like exercising with a friend or finishing the 30 Day Challenge correctly (which means you didn't skip a day and you completed all the required exercises). IronKids is a new, youth triathlon series for kids ages 6 - 15 which consists of eight races across the U.S. Our mission is to inspire and motivate kids through the sport to live an active, positive and healthy lifestyle. |
prompt drive move inspire stimulate |
21 | critical mass/ˈkrɪtɪkəl mæs/ | جرم بحرانی | اسم |
22 | meet objectives/mit əbˈʤɛktɪvz/ | رسیدن به اهداف | عبارت |
23 | intention/ɪnˈten.ʃən/ | قصد نیت | اسم |
She had no intention of staying here. If that was his intention, it sure worked. |
aim purpose intent objective object |
24 | attain/əˈteɪn/ | دست یافتن به دست آوردن | فعل |
Both trees occasionally attain a height of 90 ft. I knew craved forgiveness from the others, but lacked the capability to attain it. |
achieve accomplish reach arrive at come by |
25 | inform/ɪnˈfɔːrm/ | اطلاع دادن آگاه کردن، خبر دادن | فعل |
"Inform the prince that I the bridge fired!" said the colonel triumphantly and gaily. Allow me to inform you... |
tell let someone know notify apprise advise |
26 | motivation/ˌmoʊtəˈveɪʃən/ | انگیزه | اسم |
motive motivating force incentive stimulus stimulation |
27 | intentional/ɪnˈtɛnʃənəl/ | عمدی قصدی | صفت |
Several ancient writers accuse him of intentional untruthfulness. crudelitas), the intentional infliction of pain or suffering. |
deliberate calculated conscious done on purpose intended |
28 | motive/ˈmoʊ.t̬ɪv/ | انگیزه علت | اسم |
She hadn't thought about his feelings or motive to help. Not much motive for a skip, either. |
reason motivation motivating force rationale grounds |
29 | contribution/ˌkɑn.trəˈbjuː.ʃən/ | کمک کمک مالی | اسم |
It isn't like they couldn't survive without her contribution to their family income. YouTube's contribution to world peace is not simply to add empathy to current events, although that would be enough. |
donation gift benefaction offering present |
30 | further/ˈfɜr.ðər/ | بیشتر | قید |
Without further conversation, the Indians started down the gully. The assistant asked some further questions. |
at a greater distance more distant farther more unlike less like farther additionally more |
31 | national/ˈnæʃ.ən.əl/ | ملی | صفت |
The crime was national headline news. According to the National Weather Service, this is a doozy of a storm. |
state public federal governmental civic civil |
32 | infrastructure/ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər/ | شالوده زیربنا، زیرساخت | اسم |
I didn't expect the critical infrastructure to disintegrate so fast. Assess what damage you can and rebuild the critical infrastructure systems. |
33 | contribute/kənˈtrɪbjut/ | اعطا کردن اهدا کردن، بخشیدن | فعل |
You all contribute to what we're doing. I want someone who can contribute intelligent conversation, not grovel at my feet. |
give donate give a donation of make a donation of put up |
34 | debate/dəˈbeɪt/ | مناظره بحث | اسم |
See you at the debate tomorrow. And that debate ended overnight. |
discussion exchange of views discourse parley argument dispute |
35 | reach/riːtʃ/ | دست یافتن نائل شدن، به دست آوردن | فعل |
Sometimes that's the only way you can reach each other. His smile didn't reach his eyes. |
36 | creative/kriˈeɪtɪv/ | خلاق | صفت |
He was not a great original thinker; he lacked the creative faculty and the creative impulse. Polycarp had no creative genius. |
37 | definition/ˌdef.əˈnɪʃ.ən/ | معنی مفهوم، تعریف | اسم |
Isn't that a classic definition of good politician? Sleep came without definition, as did the dream. |
38 | evaluation/ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃn/ | ارزشیابی ارزیابی | اسم |
The Evaluation of Continued Fractions. When symptoms continue even after treatment or to rule out the presence of other illnesses with similar symptoms, the diagnostic evaluation may include blood tests, a hydrogen breath test, or an x ray of the bowel, called a barium enema. |
39 | challenge/ˈʧælənʤ/ | به چالش کشیدن به مبارزه طلبیدن | فعل |
I like a challenge once in a while. We had no right to challenge his choices in spite of our lives being tied to his as tightly as a water-logged knot. |
40 | objective/əbˈdʒek.tɪv/ | هدف مقصود | اسم |
Dean tried to be as objective as possible and let the report speak for itself. Success will depend on objective criteria and visualizing the process. |
41 | goal/goʊl/ | هدف | اسم |
I'm too close to my goal to give up now. And yet, it had been her goal for over three years. |
42 | purpose/ˈpɜr.pəs/ | هدف | اسم |
His purpose for bringing her here was unclear. If you win or lose, let it be on purpose. |
43 | deliberate/dɪˈlɪb(ə)rət/ | عمدی آگاهانه، حساب شده، از قصد | صفت |
Sure she was thin, but it wasn't a deliberate condition. His movements were deliberate as he walked toward her - as if he were measuring every word he was about to say. |
44 | application/ˌæp.ləˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | اعمال | اسم |
All the same, she finally sent her application for the job. The application of the company for permission to lay wires in streets was again refused. |
45 | strategy/ˈstrætədʒi/ | راهبرد استراتژی | اسم |
"Thanks for revealing your strategy," she said in an acid tone. This strategy was at first triumphant. |