ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | convey/kənˈveɪ/ | منتقل کردن رساندن، فهماندن، بیان کردن | فعل |
I'll convey your message. He didn't convey his conclusions to us. |
transport carry bring take fetch |
2 | discourse/ˈdɪskɔrs/ | گفتمان مباحثه، گفتار | اسم |
Martha said nothing during my discourse, not helping my confidence. I finished my discourse with a request for words of wisdom. |
discussion conversation talk dialogue communication |
3 | message/ˈmes.ɪdʒ/ | پیام | اسم |
She typed a message to him. If you'll think back, my message was that spending a few nights together wasn't a good reason to get married. |
communication piece of information news word note |
4 | comprehend/ˌkɑmpriˈhɛnd/ | درک کردن | فعل |
Only a handful of human minds can comprehend his work. I tried to comprehend his thought process but I found it irrational. |
understand grasp take in see apprehend |
5 | mistranslate/mɪstranzˈleɪt/ | اشتباه ترجمه کردن | فعل |
6 | atmosphere/ˈæt.məsˌfɪr/ | محیط جو | اسم |
The atmosphere felt stiff and formal, as if this was not part of their routine. It may also be prepared by heating ammonium oxalate; by passing induction sparks between carbon points in an atmosphere of nitrogen. |
air aerosphere airspace sky the heavens the firmament |
7 | term/tɜrm/ | دوره نیمسال، ترم | اسم |
Praying she hadn't missed some term of the deal, she waited for his reaction. I'm sure there's a Latin term for it. |
word expression phrase turn of phrase idiom |
8 | clarify/ˈklɛrəˌfaɪ/ | توضیح دادن تبیین کردن، روشن کردن | فعل |
She added, as if to clarify the situation, that her son Randy would be there too. There are several ways to clarify water. |
make clear shed light on throw light on elucidate illuminate |
9 | distinction/dɪˈstɪŋ.ʃən/ | تفاوت تمایز | اسم |
The distinction left her feeling torn. Being educated in the United States has long been a mark of distinction for the elites of other nations. |
difference contrast dissimilarity dissimilitude divergence |
10 | connotation/ˌkɑnəˈteɪʃən/ | معنای ضمنی دلالت ضمنی | اسم |
The word can have a different connotation in different contexts. No negative connotation was intended by using the word "short." |
overtone undertone undercurrent implication hidden meaning |
11 | communicate/kəˈmjuː.nəˌkeɪt/ | ارتباط برقرار کردن | فعل |
At least she was willing to communicate now. He was trying to communicate – to improve their relationship. |
convey tell impart relay transmit |
12 | mispronounce/mɪsprəˈnaʊns/ | اشتباه تلفظ کردن | فعل |
13 | terminology/ˌtɜːrməˈnɑːlədʒi/ | اصطلاحات (علمی یا فنی) واژگان | اسم |
The summary of results might as well have been in a foreign language with the medical terminology, abbreviations and sprinkling of what seemed like random numbers. In this kingdom the system of agricultural terminology was based on it. |
phraseology terms expressions words language |
14 | denote/dɪˈnoʊt/ | نشانگر بودن دلالت کردن | فعل |
Various artifices are employed to denote the end of the reaction. The expression (ab) 4 properly appertains to a quartic; for a quadratic it may also be written (ab) 2 (cd) 2, and would denote the square of the discriminant to a factor pres. |
designate indicate be a sign of be a mark of signify |
15 | evoke/ɪˈvoʊk/ | برانگیختن خطور کردن، ایجاد کردن | فعل |
Although local affairs do nut now enlist, even in New England, so large a measure of interest and public spirit as the town system used to evoke in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut in the thirties, still, broadly speaking, the rural local government of America may be deemed satisfactory. This different treatment shows the feeling of the poet - the feeling for which he seeks to evoke our inmost sympathy - to oscillate between the belief that an awful crime brings with it its awful punishment (and it is sickening to observe how the argument by which the Friar persuades Annabella to forsake her evil courses mainly appeals to the physical terrors of retribution), and the notion that there is something fatal, something irresistible, and therefore in a sense self-justified, in so dominant a passion. |
bring to mind call to mind put one in mind of call up conjure up |
16 | sense/sens/ | معنی مفهوم | اسم |
He also had a sense of responsibility about it. I can sense it and I'm never wrong. |
sensory faculty feeling sensation perception sight hearing |
17 | perspective/pərˈspektɪv/ | دید نظر | اسم |
When he spoke, his perspective surprised her. She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently. |
outlook view viewpoint point of view standpoint |
18 | misinterpret/mɪsɪnˈtɜrprət/ | بد تعبیر کردن بد تفسیر کردن، به اشتباه برداشت کردن | فعل |
It's Easy to Misinterpret Correct Food Labels." Fans have no time, usually, to "rehearse" or even to learn new cheers except through hearing each other - so make sure that the words are easy to understand but not easy to misinterpret. |
misunderstand misconceive misconstrue misapprehend mistake |
19 | distinguish/dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃ/ | تمایز دادن تمایز قائل شدن، تمیز دادن | فعل |
She couldn't distinguish whether it was male or female. Natasha looked in the mirrors and could not distinguish her reflection from the others. |
differentiate tell apart discriminate discern determine |
20 | define/dəˈfɑɪn/ | شرح دادن توصیف کردن، تعریف کردن | فعل |
The child's eagerness and interest carry her over many obstacles that would be our undoing if we stopped to define and explain everything. It will not be welfare (or, at least depending on how you define the term, it will not be perceived as welfare). |
explain expound interpret elucidate explicate |
21 | unambiguous/ˌʌnæmˈbɪgjəwəs/ | بدون ابهام آشکار | صفت |
Yet it is not a single and unambiguous logical movement that derives from Kant. The unambiguous allusions in xiii. |
22 | miscalculate/mɪsˈkælkjəˌleɪt/ | اشتباه محاسبه کردن | فعل |
This is a gotcha for many novices because they miscalculate the amount of border they'll need by not allowing for waste at the corners. miscalculate the outstanding debt and ask you to pay back too much. |
misjudge make a mistake make a mistake about calculate wrongly estimate wrongly |
23 | express/ɪkˈspres/ | بیان کردن اظهار کردن، ابراز کردن | فعل |
I cannot find words to express to you my displeasure. At the time she had thought he was trying to express his love. |
communicate convey indicate show demonstrate |
24 | subtle/ˈsʌtl/ | نامحسوس مبهم، ظریف | صفت |
It was a subtle shade of gray. Xander saw the subtle signal Damian gave his brother. |
understated low-key muted toned down subdued delicate |
25 | coherent/koʊˈhɪrənt/ | منسجم فصیح، دارای ارتباط منطقی | صفت |
It was not a coherent narrative. As they grow, they will struggle to learn new words, make conversation and sound coherent. |
logical reasoned reasonable well reasoned rational |
26 | glossary/ˈglɔsəri/ | واژه نامه [فهرست لغات مشکل در آخر کتاب] | اسم |
1342), a sort of medical glossary and dictionary. Glossary of Points of the Dog. |
27 | transparent/trænˈspɛrənt/ | شفاف آشکار، واضح | صفت |
Other nations are becoming more transparent as well. He stood on the balcony, visible beyond the transparent curtains rustling in the moving haze. |
see-through clear translucent pellucid crystal clear |
28 | definition/ˌdef.əˈnɪʃ.ən/ | معنی مفهوم، تعریف | اسم |
Isn't that a classic definition of good politician? Sleep came without definition, as did the dream. |
meaning denotation sense interpretation explanation elucidation |
29 | incoherent/ˌɪnkoʊˈhɪrənt/ | بی ربط نامنسجم، گسسته | صفت |
The result is a confusion that renders the description incoherent. Linguistics can tell us what makes the poem incoherent, how the "speaker" is multiple, but not who the speaker is. |
unclear confused muddled unintelligible incomprehensible |
30 | infer/ɪnˈfɜr/ | استنتاج کردن نتیجهگیری کردن | فعل |
You can infer the meaning of the word from the context of the rest of the sentence. He will infer conclusions from secondary data. |
deduce reason work out conclude come to the conclusion |
31 | nuance/ˈnuːɑːns/ | نکات دقیق و ظریف تفاوت های جزئی، سایه ی کم رنگ | اسم |
All this detective work and attention to linguistic nuance slows our pace. Because she is a chef, she notices every nuance of flavor in the meal. |
fine distinction subtle difference subtle distinction shade shading |
32 | misinterpretation/mɪsɪnˌtɜrprəˈteɪʃən/ | سوء تعبیر برداشت اشتباه، تفسیر غلط | اسم |
That decision is not only wrong, it is a misinterpretation of the rules. She smiled weakly at his deliberate misinterpretation of the cliché. |
33 | ambiguous/æmˈbɪgjuəs/ | مبهم دوپهلو | صفت |
Her songs are intentionally ambiguous. The ending was more ambiguous, one in which the future of the world was in question. |
equivocal ambivalent open to debate open to argument arguable |
34 | mistranslation/mɪstranzˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ | ترجمه اشتباه ترجمه غلط | اسم |
In his days there shall be no unrighteousness in their midst; for they are all holy and their king the anointed of the Lord (xpwros idptos, mistranslation of rnm rrwn). i I a certain Ethiopic expression = Ev Eµoi, which is a mistranslation of '; for '1 in this context, as we know from the parallel passage in Gen. |
35 | misunderstand/ˌmɪsəndərˈstænd/ | اشتباه فهمیدن درست نفهمیدن، سو تعبیر کردن | فعل |
You misunderstand the terms. But we should quite misunderstand this pessimism if we held it to mean that Jeremiah saw no signs of private morality and individual spiritual convictions among his people. |
misapprehend misinterpret put a wrong interpretation on misconstrue misconceive |
36 | mispronunciation/ˌmɪsprəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃən/ | تلفظ نادرست تلفظ اشتباه | اسم |
" Jehovah " is a modern mispronunciation of the Hebrew name, resulting from combining the consonants of that name, Jhvh, with the vowels of the word ¢donay, " Lord," which the Jews substituted for the proper name in reading the scriptures. BONZE (from Japanese bonze, probably a mispronunciation of Chinese fan sung, " religious person"), the European name for the members of the Buddhist religious orders of Japan and China. |