ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | character/ˈkær.ɪk.tər/ | آدم جالب شخصیت دوست داشتنی | اسم |
It was totally out of character for her. "Every country has its own character," said he. |
personality nature disposition temperament temper |
2 | no way/noʊ weɪ/ | عمرا نه بابا، ابدا | حرف ندا |
3 | solely/ˈsoʊlli/ | تنها به تنهایی | قید |
It was hardly fair to shift that responsibility solely to him. That was left solely in my hands. |
only simply just merely uniquely |
4 | briefly/ˈbriː.fli/ | مختصرا به طور خلاصه | قید |
She met his gaze briefly and looked away. Let's briefly discuss that possibility. |
momentarily temporarily for a few moments for a few seconds for a little while hurriedly |
5 | accident/ˈæk.sɪ.dənt/ | تصادف سانحه | اسم |
A car accident killed them both. How did the accident happen? |
mishap misfortune misadventure mischance unfortunate incident |
6 | nature/ˈneɪ.tʃər/ | طبیعت | اسم |
It was in his nature, and it was something that wasn't going to change. This is your nature, you just don't know it yet. |
the natural world the living world Mother Nature creation the world |
7 | typical/ˈtɪpəkəl/ | کلیشهای همیشگی، معمولی، نوعی | صفت |
It was a typical night. It was a skit about the typical problems faced by both adults and students. |
representative classic quintessential archetypal model |
8 | quantifiable/ˌkwɑntɪˈfaɪəbɛl/ | قابل اندازهگیری قابل سنجش | صفت |
The results of quantifiable psychological tests can be translated into numerical values, or scores. When the history of carat weight adjusted to the standardized measurement, additional quantifiable measures were needed to compare stones of different weights and partial carats. |
9 | solid/ˈsɑləd/ | مستحکم محکم، استوار، قابل اطمینان | صفت |
Once again the rear end was on solid ground. The wooden planks were old and weathered, but felt solid enough. |
hard rock-hard rigid firm solidified |
10 | accidental/ˌæk.sɪˈden.təl/ | اتفافی تصادفی | صفت |
An accidental circumstance, however, occurred at this moment which largely affected his future. Land might be let at a fixed rent when the Code enacted that accidental loss fell on the tenant. |
fortuitous chance occurring by accident occurring by chance adventitious |
11 | primarily/prɑɪˈmer.ə.li/ | در درجه اول عمدتا، بیشتر | قید |
- The state is primarily agricultural. Naval defence in any case remained primarily a question for the Imperial navy, and by agreement (1903, for ten years) between the British government and the governments of the Commonwealth (contributing an annual subsidy of £200,000) and of New Zealand (£40,000), an efficient fleet patrolled the Australasian waters, Sydney, its headquarters, being ranked as a first-class naval station. |
first and foremost first firstly essentially in essence |
12 | quantitative/ˈkwɑntɪˌteɪtɪv/ | کمی [وابسته به مقدار] | صفت |
13 | accidentally/ˌæk.sɪˈden.təl.i/ | تصادفا اتفاقی | قید |
I can cover up the girls who accidentally get hit by cars. The gates have locks on them so that they won't be accidentally left open. |
fortuitously by accident by chance by a mere chance by a twist of fate |
14 | discipline/ˈdɪs.ə.plən/ | انضباط نظم | اسم |
The discipline was there before the Reformers. Sirian's coldness had never struck her as anything but rigid discipline and cool thinking. |
control regulation direction order authority |
15 | primary/ˈpraɪˌmɛri/ | اصلی اولیه | صفت |
Support was heavy for the school's primary sport. You guys are his primary target and don't ever forget it for a minute. |
main chief key prime central |
16 | quantification/ˌkwɑntɪfəˈkeɪʃən/ | اندازهگیری [تعیین کمیت چیزی] | اسم |
Hamilton's significance for the history of logic lies in the stimulus that he gave to the development of symbolic logic in England by his new analytic based upon his discovery or adoption of the principle of the quantification of the predicate. Hamilton and George Boole, as one of several independent discoverers of the all-important principle of the quantification of the predicate. |
17 | mainly/ˈmeɪn.li/ | عمدتا بیشتر | قید |
He seemed mainly angry. It is inhabited mainly by Uzbegs. |
mostly for the most part in the main on the whole largely |
18 | in sum/ɪn sʌm/ | به طور خلاصه | عبارت |
in short briefly in brief to put it briefly to cut a long story short |
19 | prime/praɪm/ | اصلی اساسی، عمده | صفت |
Stop playing prime time TV. I think I might get the prime rib. |
main chief key primary central |
20 | focus/ˈfoʊkəs/ | تمرکز کردن | فعل |
She shook her head, her focus back on Alex. Carmen tried to focus on Felipa, but her mind was full of questions. |
centre focal point central point centre of attention hub |
21 | characteristic/ˌkɛrəktəˈrɪstɪk/ | مشخصه ویژگی | اسم |
"Well, good-by, your excellency, keep well!" said Rostopchin, getting up with characteristic briskness and holding out his hand to the prince. Grand is the characteristic, in their conception, of some special animals called "heroes." |
attribute feature quality essential quality property trait |
22 | almost/ˈɔːl.moʊst/ | تقریبا نزدیک بود | قید |
At ten years old, Jonathan was almost as tall as she was. She was almost thirteen. |
nearly just about about more or less practically |
23 | sum up/sʌm ʌp/ | جمع بندی کردن خلاصه کردن | فعل |
summarize the evidence, review the evidence, give a summing-up, summarize the argument
24 | turn/tɜrn/ | شدن | فعل |
But let's see how things turn out. He reached back and tried to turn on the lights. |
go round revolve rotate spin go round and round |
25 | quantitatively/ˌkwɑntɪˈteɪtəvli/ | به طور کمی | قید |
- These qualities can be readily judged by inspection of the glass in pieces of considerable thickness, and they may be quantitatively measured by means of the spectro-photometer. a line which is quantitatively unlimited (i.e. |
26 | quantifiably/ˌkwɑntɪˈfaɪəbɛli/ | به طرز قابل اندازهگیری به طرز قابل سنجش | قید |
27 | virtually/ˈvɜr.tʃu.ə.li/ | تقریبا | قید |
Yet in reality, virtually everyone has. In just a few years, virtually all phones will be camera phones. |
in effect effectively all but more or less practically |
28 | generate/ˈʤɛnəˌreɪt/ | تولید کردن به وجود آوردن، ایجاد کردن | فعل |
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged. In these processes the electric current is used solely to generate heat, either to induce chemical reactions between admixed substances, or to produce a physical (allotropic) modification of a given substance. |
cause give rise to lead to result in bring about |
29 | pose/poʊz/ | مطرح کردن اقامه کردن، ارائه دادن، اعمال کردن | فعل |
No, I suppose the possibility of snakes does pose a bigger threat. They did pose a threat to Carmen's goats, though. |
constitute present create cause produce |
30 | quantity/ˈkwɑntəti/ | مقدار کمیت | اسم |
Why such a quantity of churches? But there is any quantity of oatmeal, which we often cook for breakfast. |
amount number total aggregate sum |
31 | attempt/əˈtemt/ | سعی کردن تلاش کردن | فعل |
This would be the only attempt they would make. I smiled in an attempt to calm her down. |
try strive aim venture endeavour |
32 | more or less/mɔr ɔr lɛs/ | کم و بیش تقریبا | قید |
approximately roughly nearly almost close to |
33 | turn/tɜrn/ | نوبت | اسم |
But let's see how things turn out. He reached back and tried to turn on the lights. |
go round revolve rotate spin go round and round |
34 | only/ˈoʊn.li/ | فقط تنها | قید |
at most at best just only just no more than |
35 | have a shot at/hæv ə ʃɑt æt/ | امتحان کردن | عبارت |
36 | basically/ˈbeɪ.sɪk.li/ | اساسا اصولا، به طور کلی | قید |
Basically, it started with a screw up. I basically asked him to stop. |
fundamentally primarily principally chiefly essentially |
37 | quantify/ˈkwɑntɪˌfaɪ/ | کمیت (چیزی را) تعیین کردن اندازهگیری کردن | فعل |
It is remarkable that in Barbara, and therefore in many scientific deductions, to think the quantity of the predicate is not to the point either in the premises or in the conclusion; so that to quantify the propositions, as Hamilton proposes, would be to express more than a rational man thinks and judges. We established the UOS as a measure to help our members quantify their exchange. |
38 | underline/ˌʌn.dərˈlɑɪn/ | زیر چیزی خط کشیدن | فعل |
Make a choice list and underline your top choices. The teacher asked us to underline the adverb we used in each sentence. |
underscore mark pick out emphasize highlight italicize emphasize |
39 | mostly/ˈmoʊs.tli/ | اکثرا بیشتر | قید |
She kept mostly to her room. We have some cold days, but mostly it is warm. |
mainly for the most part on the whole in the main almost entirely |
40 | confirm/kənˈfɜrm/ | تأیید کردن تصدیق کردن | فعل |
Betsy was hopeful she might be able to confirm where the people had lived. Ethel Rosewater called to confirm Thursday night. |
corroborate bear out verify show the truth of prove |
41 | in short/ɪn ʃɔrt/ | به طور خلاصه لب مطلب | عبارت |
briefly to put it briefly to put it concisely to put it succinctly in a word |
42 | identify/aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/ | تشخیص دادن شناسایی کردن | فعل |
She tried to identify a sound. However, we feared no threat from either, nor did we feel they wished to identify us. |
recognize single out pick out spot point out |
43 | try/traɪ/ | سعی کردن تلاش کردن | فعل |
Why don't you try calling your family again? Try to stay out of the woods. |
attempt endeavour make an effort exert oneself seek |
44 | attempt/əˈtemt/ | تلاش کوشش | اسم |
This would be the only attempt they would make. I smiled in an attempt to calm her down. |
try strive aim venture endeavour |