ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | question mark/ˈkwes.tʃənˌmɑrk/ | علامت سوال | اسم |
2 | opposite/ˈɑp.ə.zɪt/ | مخالف متضاد | اسم |
Kris sat opposite his brother. Without another word, he turned the horse and kicked it into a trot in the opposite direction. |
facing face to face with across from eyeball to eyeball with fronting facing opposing conflicting contrasting |
3 | indefinite article/ɪnˈdɛfənət ˈɑrtəkəl/ | حرف تعریف نامعین (دستور زبان) حرف نکره | اسم |
4 | adverb/ˈæd.vɜrb/ | قید | اسم |
The adverb usually follows the verb. An adverb may precede the verb. |
5 | transitive/ˈtræn.zət̬.ɪv/ | گذرا فعل متعدی | صفت |
The grammatical form of shabbath suggests a transitive sense, "the divider," and apparently indicates the Sabbath as dividing the month. Thus, after laying down as a general rule for declinable words that, when they refer to one and the same person, they must have the same case, gender and number, Priscian adds that when there are transitive words we may use different numbers, as doceo discipulos, docemus discipulum. |
6 | suffix/ˈsʌf.ɪks/ | پسوند | اسم |
It is remarkable in how many marshy places this -co- or -ca- suffix is used. Nouns are divided into two classes, one of which takes a pronominal suffix, while the other never takes such a suffix. |
7 | phrasal verb/ˌfreɪ.zəlˈvɜːrb/ | فعل عبارتی فعل دو کلمهای | اسم |
8 | syllable/ˈsɪləbəl/ | هجا بخش، سیلاب | اسم |
seven feet and an unaccented syllable over. Every syllable is open, ending in a vowel sound, and short sentences may be constructed wholly of vocalic sounds. |
9 | hyphen/ˈhɑɪ.fən/ | خط ربط علامت - | اسم |
The quarterback was a bright LED line, kind of like a red hyphen. Just like with the original game, the hyphen and exclamation mark are both official parts of the name. |
10 | article/ˈɑrt̬.ɪ.kəl/ | حرف تعریف | اسم |
The newspaper included a photo with the article about the wreck. Dean recalled reading the same article in his copy. |
object thing item unit artefact |
11 | infinitive/ɪnˈfɪn.ə.tɪv/ | مصدر [شکل ساده فعل] | اسم |
B is replaced by the surd pat the end of a word (trobar in the infinitive, but trop in the present tense); so also in the interiOr of a word when it precedes a consonant (supvensr, s u b v e n i re, sopte, s u b t 0). It seems that all the above classes may be divided into two main groups, according to the form of the infinitive :with masculine infinitive the strong triliteral type, and with feminine infinitive the type of the III. |
12 | full stop/fʊl stɑp/ | نقطه (آخر جمله) (.) | اسم |
13 | synonym/ˈsɪnənɪm/ | مترادف هممعنی | اسم |
Actually, only some foreign counts could be said to be equivalent to English earls; but "earl" is always translated by foreigners by words (comte, Graf) which in English are represented by "count," itself never used as the synonym of "earl." The Parisians received the news of the event with joy, believing that freedom was now at last to be established on a firm basis by the man whose name was the synonym for victory in the field and disinterestedness in civil affairs. |
14 | adjective/ˈædʒ.ɪk.tɪv/ | صفت | اسم |
Pick an adjective from the title. It is important to study the various adjective forms. |
15 | noun/nɑʊn/ | اسم | اسم |
What does the noun "incorporation" mean? Be careful to use a singular pronoun with a singular noun in your writing. |
16 | plural noun/ˈplʊrəl naʊn/ | اسم جمع | اسم |
17 | comma/ˈkɑm.ə/ | ویرگول | اسم |
Closer study showed an occasional comma and apostrophe. On the continent of Europe the figures are taken in sets of three, but are merely spaced, the comma being used at the end of a number to denote the commencement of a decimal. |
18 | definite article/ˈdɛfənət ˈɑrtɪkəl/ | حرف تعریف معین (دستور زبان) حرف معرفه | اسم |
19 | verb/vɜrb/ | فعل | اسم |
Never let a transitive verb just lay there without an object. Paul evidently plays on the verb, krino, diakrino, katakrino (Kplvw, S&aKplvw, KaraKpivw). |
20 | stress/stres/ | تکیه (آواشناسی) فشار | اسم |
Diablo. He's Yancey's method of relieving stress and getting away from us women once in a while. I'm not allowed to stress you out, but can you, like, try? |
strain pressure tension nervous tension worry |
21 | prefix/ˈpriːfɪks/ | پیشوند | اسم |
Cattle-grazing is the chief farm industry in the west, sheep and horse-rearing in the east; the prevalence of the prefix " Market " in the names of the rural towns is noticeable in this respect. They were a knightly family when we first hear of them about 1250, though towards the end of the 14th century they seem to have been but simple men without the honours of knighthood, and not always using their prefix "von." |
22 | idiom/ˈɪd.iː.əm/ | اصطلاح | اسم |
However, with few exceptions, the cottages are styled within the vernacular revival idiom. This idiom could, of course, be explained on the hypothesis of an Aramaic original. |
expression idiomatic expression turn of phrase set phrase fixed expression |
23 | uncountable/ʌnˈkaʊntəbl/ | غیرقابل شمارش | صفت |
And you can quickly find uncountable cheats for thousands of games at sites like www.gamefaqs.com and www.gamespot.com. And you can quickly find uncountable cheats for thousands of PS2 games at sites like www.gamefaqs.com and www.gamespot.com. |
24 | intransitive/ɪnˈtræn.zət̬.ɪv/ | ناگذرا لازم | صفت |
You will find that some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive depending on the context of their sentence. An active or causal verb requires before it the instrumental instead of the nominative case, which goes only before a neuter or intransitive verb. |
25 | bracket/ˈbrækɪt/ | کروشه پرانتز، قلاب | اسم |
The sign X coming immediately before, or immediately after, a bracket may be omitted; e.g. We would if he'd let me bracket enough times instead of quitting just because he gets tired. |
support prop stay batten joist |
26 | preposition/ˌprep.əˈzɪʃ.ən/ | حرف اضافه (دستور زبان) | اسم |
The pattern is built around a number followed by a preposition. To control your balloon, use the correct preposition from the top to go forward and the correct preposition from the bottom to stop. |