ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | stroll/stroʊl/ | قدمزنی عمل آرام آرام قدم زدن | اسم |
"His ma said he could take a stroll up town with me," Fred explained. They looked like two lovers out for a stroll, not enemies. |
saunter amble wander meander ramble |
2 | anger/ˈæŋ.gər/ | خشم | اسم |
I took all my frustration and anger out on you. Dusty echoed, anger burning through him. |
annoyance vexation exasperation crossness irritation |
3 | feeling/ˈfiː.lɪŋ/ | احساس حس | اسم |
I don't want you to start feeling neglected. I've been getting the feeling she is trying to break us up. |
touch feel sense of touch tactile sense tactility |
4 | sadness/ˈsæd.nəs/ | غم حزن، ناراحتی، غمگینی | اسم |
There was sadness in her voice. Nothing could explain the sadness she felt at that discovery. |
unhappiness sorrow dejection regret depression |
5 | angry/ˈæŋ.gri/ | عصبانی ناراحت | صفت |
They were angry because their plans had been discovered. Are you angry with me? |
irate annoyed cross vexed irritated |
6 | glance/glæns/ | نگاه اجمالی | اسم |
One glance at the picture and his neck turned red. You see at a glance that she is blind. |
take a quick look look quickly look briefly peek peep glimpse |
7 | push/pʊʃ/ | هل دادن | فعل |
You were trying to push me off the bed. Furious and terrified, Katie planted both her hands on his arm to push it away with no success. |
shove thrust propel impel send press |
8 | press/pres/ | فشار دادن فشردن | فعل |
One side of her wanted to press on until she got some answers. Dean didn't press the point. |
push push down press down thumb depress |
9 | point/pɔɪnt/ | اشاره کردن | فعل |
There was no point in working herself up this way. At some point she fell asleep. |
tip sharp end tapered end end extremity prong |
10 | upset/ʌpˈset/ | ناراحت دلخور | صفت |
distress trouble perturb disturb discompose |
11 | happiness/ˈhæp.iː.nəs/ | خوشحالی خوشبختی | اسم |
I wish you all the happiness you so deserve. Is being in control so important that you're willing to sacrifice the happiness of your only son? |
contentment pleasure contentedness satisfaction cheerfulness |
12 | glance/glæns/ | نگاه انداختن مختصر نگاه کردن | فعل |
One glance at the picture and his neck turned red. You see at a glance that she is blind. |
take a quick look look quickly look briefly peek peep glimpse |
13 | proud/prɑʊd/ | مفتخر خشنود | صفت |
How sad that she would be too proud to have fun. How proud mamma will be of her brave boy! |
pleased pleased with glad glad about glad at |
14 | pride/prɑɪd/ | افتخار سرافرازی | اسم |
Of course, his pride was injured. Alex took great pride in protecting her. |
self-esteem dignity honour self-respect ego |
15 | hate/heɪt/ | تنفر نفرت | اسم |
I hate peanut butter. He was beginning to hate the cold. |
loathe detest dislike greatly abhor abominate |
16 | whisper/ˈwɪs.pər/ | در گوشی حرف زدن پچ پچ کردن | فعل |
His whisper turned to a roar. His voice turned to a whisper and he looked at her, conflicted. |
murmur mutter mumble say softly speak softly |
17 | whisper/ˈwɪs.pər/ | درگوشی زمزمه، نجوا، پچ پچ | اسم |
His whisper turned to a roar. His voice turned to a whisper and he looked at her, conflicted. |
murmur mutter mumble say softly speak softly |
18 | stroll/stroʊl/ | سلانهسلانه راه رفتن قدم زدن، یواش یواش راه رفتن | فعل |
"His ma said he could take a stroll up town with me," Fred explained. They looked like two lovers out for a stroll, not enemies. |
saunter amble wander meander ramble |
19 | knock/nɑːk/ | در زدن | فعل |
I better knock on his door. If Annie's abductor was still operating, that literally reversed the odds that we'd knock heads with him if he remained active! |
bang tap rap thump pound |
20 | fear/fɪr/ | ترس وحشت | اسم |
For a long time he wandered in fear from place to place. The sea shore is too far to the east so I fear she'll be remanded to a roadside bier of Kudzu and discarded fast food wrappers. |
terror fright fearfulness horror alarm |
21 | shout/ʃɑʊt/ | داد زدن فریاد زدن | فعل |
If only she could shout it to the world. Dean wanted to shout, I killed her, Fred. |
yell cry cry out call call out |
22 | embarrassment/ɪmˈbær.ə.smənt/ | خجالت شرم، مایه خجالت | اسم |
They talk to me without embarrassment or awkwardness. There was no guilt or embarrassment in the thought. |
awkwardness self-consciousness unease uneasiness discomfort |
23 | stare/steər/ | زل زدن خیره شدن | فعل |
The girl continued to stare at her. She tried hard not to stare at the men. |
gaze gape goggle gawk glare |
24 | jealousy/ˈʤɛləsi/ | حسادت رشک | اسم |
It was nothing but pure jealousy that guided her thoughts – and fear of losing him. 52), and David soon became both a popular hero and an object of jealousy to Saul. |
envy enviousness covetousness desire resentment resentfulness |
25 | wave/weɪv/ | دست تکان دادن | فعل |
Jackson felt an intense wave of emotion. He indicated the space behind him with a wave of a hand. |
move to and fro move up and down wag waggle swing shake |
26 | feel/fiːl/ | احساس کردن حس کردن، حس داشتن | فعل |
Do you think Jonathan might feel left out when the new baby comes? I feel much better now. |
touch stroke caress fondle finger |
27 | march/mɑːrtʃ/ | تظاهرات راهپیمایی | اسم |
March came in like a lion with a snow storm. Her angry march turned into a stroll. |
stride walk troop step pace |
28 | jealous/ˈdʒel.əs/ | حسود | صفت |
She doesn't have any reason to be jealous of me. But how could he be jealous, agree to send her away and make out with another woman? |
envious covetous desirous resentful grudging begrudging jaundiced |
29 | march/mɑːrtʃ/ | راهپیمایی کردن تظاهرات کردن | فعل |
March came in like a lion with a snow storm. Her angry march turned into a stroll. |
stride walk troop step pace |
30 | clap/klæp/ | دست زدن | فعل |
Rita began to clap in appreciation of his performance. Another deafening clap of thunder brought her hands instinctively to her ears. |
applaud clap one's hands give someone a round of applause put one's hands together give someone a standing ovation applaud someone to the echo give someone a hand |