ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | acceptable/əkˈsep.tə.bəl/ | قابل قبول | صفت |
satisfactory adequate reasonable quite good fair |
2 | alcoholic/ˌæl.kəˈhɑ.lɪk/ | الکلی | صفت |
It crystallizes in orange-red needles and its alcoholic solution fluoresces strongly. The group specially described as indirect taxes includes those on alcohol, wine, beer, cider and other alcoholic drinks, on passenger and goods traffic by railway, on licences to distillers, spirit-sellers, &c., on salt and on sugar of home manufacture. |
intoxicating inebriating containing alcohol strong hard potent |
3 | disloyal/dɪˈslɔɪəl/ | خائن بیوفا | صفت |
and Mrs Fitzherbert; and this incident, trumpery as it was, added fuel to the disloyal flame then raging. By an act of the 17th of July 1862 any slave of a disloyal master who was in territory occupied by northern troops was declared ipso facto free. |
unfaithful faithless false false-hearted untrue |
4 | do up/du ʌp/ | بستن (دکمه و زیپ لباس) سفت کردن (مهره) | فعل |
5 | fair/fer/ | منصفانه عادلانه، منصف | صفت |
They are fair and wise. We're not being fair to our employers. |
just equitable fair-minded open-minded honest |
6 | fasten/ˈfæs.ən/ | بستن | فعل |
used to fasten his favourite dog Bran to it. Then, with the Wizard's help, he tried to fasten some of the wings to the old cab-horse. |
bolt lock secure make secure make fast |
7 | get dressed/gɛt drɛst/ | لباس پوشیدن | فعل |
8 | get undressed/gɛt ənˈdrɛst/ | لباس در آوردن لخت شدن | فعل |
naked nude stark naked bare unclothed |
9 | illegible/ɪˈlɛʤəbəl/ | ناخوانا | صفت |
The inscription was partly illegible. Two words are almost illegible, and the angular print slants in every direction. |
unreadable indecipherable unintelligible hard to read scrawled scribbled |
10 | immoral/ɪˈmɔːr.əl/ | غیر اخلاقی | صفت |
Miracles alone cannot vindicate the divinity of immoral doctrine. He found an ignorant and corrupt society ruled by an immoral yet fanatical monarch. |
unethical bad morally wrong wrongful wicked |
11 | insecure/ˈɪnsəkjər/ | متزلزل نگران، عاری از اعتماد به نفس | صفت |
She was feeling insecure, and for good reason. This bridge was found insecure and replaced in 1884-1887. |
unconfident lacking confidence lacking self-confidence not self-assured diffident |
12 | irrelevant/ɪˈreləvənt/ | نامربوط بیربط، غیرضروری | صفت |
The strict rules of their noble births seemed irrelevant now. Physically incapable of rising to passionate heights of oratory, Cotta's successes were chiefly due to his searching investigation of facts; he kept strictly to the essentials of the case and avoided all irrelevant digressions. |
beside the point not to the point immaterial not pertinent not germane |
13 | legible/ˈlɛʤəbəl/ | خوانا روشن | صفت |
In the top seam, faded but legible, was written Annie in very small print. The summer is almost nightless, print being legible at midnight, but in winter the days are only six hours long, though the nights are frequently illuminated with brilliant displays of the aurora borealis. |
readable easily read easy to read decipherable easily deciphered |
14 | load up/loʊd ʌp/ | بار زدن | فعل |
15 | lock/lɑːk/ | قفل کردن بستن | فعل |
They're too busy trying to lock me up and toss the key. I'll get the lights and lock the door! |
bolt catch fastener clasp bar |
16 | loyal/ˈlɔɪ.əl/ | وفادار باوفا | صفت |
She was brilliant, loyal, and sweet. Elise had been loyal enough to help her. |
faithful true true-hearted tried and true true-blue |
17 | moral/ˈmɔːrəl/ | اخلاقی | صفت |
Our efforts sometimes produced moral dilemmas. Call it moral support. |
ethical social behavioural to do with right and wrong virtuous good righteous upright |
18 | non-alcoholic/ˌnɑːn ˌælkəˈhɔːlɪk/ | غیرالکلی (نوشیدنی) | صفت |
KAVA (CAVA or AvA), an intoxicating, but non-alcoholic beverage, produced principally in the islands of the South Pacific, from the roots or leaves of a variety of the pepper plant (Piper methysticum). A large number drink fruit juice or other non-alcoholic beverages. |
intoxicating inebriating containing alcohol strong hard potent |
19 | pack/pæk/ | جمع کردن (وسایل) بستهبندی کردن | فعل |
packet container package box crate |
20 | plug in/plʌg ɪn/ | به پریز برق وصل کردن | فعل |
21 | relevant/ˈrel.ə.vənt/ | مرتبط | صفت |
All these things are the same today as they were in Shakespeare's time, and because of that, his stories are still very relevant to us. Economic studies should be as relevant to existing needs as those of engineering and other applied sciences. |
pertinent applicable apposite material apropos |
22 | secure/sɪˈkjʊr/ | مطمئن امن، استوار، خاطرجمع | صفت |
tight firm taut fixed secured |
23 | shoelace/ˈʃuːleɪs/ | بند کفش | اسم |
Remove the shoelace from the shoe and replace it with the piece of baby yarn. Take the same material and create another sideways loop to pull your first loop through, just like a shoelace. |
24 | tie up/taɪ ʌp/ | بستن | فعل |
link link-up association relationship liaison deal |
25 | unacceptable/unacceptable/ | غیر قابل قبول | صفت |
But before he had finished he felt that his jest was unacceptable and had not come off. Settled labour, the warrant of real wealth, was unacceptable to those who lived by promoting its insecurity. |
intolerable insufferable unsatisfactory impermissible inadmissible |
26 | undo/ənˈdu/ | باز کردن | فعل |
It was too late to undo what he had done. Maybe he could undo what he'd done. |
unfasten unbutton unhook untie unlace unbind |
27 | unfair/ʌnˈfer/ | غیرعادلانه غیرمنصفانه، غیرمنصف | صفت |
Was he being unfair, taking the easy way out? It was unfair to string Josh along this way. |
unjust inequitable prejudiced biased discriminatory preferential |
28 | unfasten/ʌnˈfæsn/ | باز کردن (دکمه، کمربند و ...) | فعل |
She began to unfasten her long braids. unfasten the belt, get up, and go Starboard into the storage room. |
undo open detach disconnect remove |
29 | unload/ˌʌnˈloʊd/ | بار خالی کردن باراندازی کردن | فعل |
Just unload one or two carts. draught, and permits large steamers to unload along its quays. |
unpack empty unburden disburden unlade remove offload |
30 | unlock/ʌnˈlɒk/ | باز کردن | فعل |
He slid his thumb across the screen to unlock it. I can now tell her to go upstairs or down, out of doors or into the house, lock or unlock a door, take or bring objects, sit, stand, walk, run, lie, creep, roll, or climb. |
unbolt unlatch unbar undo unfasten |
31 | unpack/ʌnˈpæk/ | باز کردن | فعل |
Going to unpack then Connor and I will start bringing decorations down. She helped me unpack my trunk when it came, and was delighted when she found the doll the little girls sent her. |
32 | unplug/ˌʌnˈplʌɡ/ | از پریز کشیدن قطع کردن | فعل |
Hopefully Alex would hear it and unplug his computer. When you are finished processing, unplug the motor, remove it from the container, and dish out the food that you have prepared. |
33 | untie/ʌnˈtaɪ/ | باز کردن (گره) | فعل |
It was tempting to untie the twine from her waist and wander a little further, but the forest was too confusing. Plus, there's no worry that your little one will untie his shoes while you're not looking. |
undo unknot unbind unfasten unwrap |
34 | unwrap/ʌnˈræp/ | باز کردن (کادو یا هر چیز بستهبندی شده) | فعل |
Now, here's a present I can't wait to unwrap. Use paper printed with a chuckling Santa, smiley faces, or just bright, bold colors and fun patterns to bring a smile to the recipient's face even before they unwrap it. |
35 | wrap up/ræp ʌp/ | کادوپیچ کردن بسته بندی کردن | فعل |
dress warmly wear warm clothes put on more clothes muffle up be quiet quieten down |