ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | collapse/kəˈlæps/ | فرو ریختن (ناگهانی) فرو پاشیدن | فعل |
Would the cabin collapse around them? This only precipitated the collapse, and while Count Tisza voiced Hungarian public opinion in declaring the basis of the Dual system to be shattered, the Yugoslav National Council was transplanted from Ljubljana to Zagreb and strengthened by the inclusion of representatives of all parties (Oct. |
cave in fall in subside fall down sag |
2 | collapse/kəˈlæps/ | فروپاشی فرو ریختن | اسم |
Would the cabin collapse around them? This only precipitated the collapse, and while Count Tisza voiced Hungarian public opinion in declaring the basis of the Dual system to be shattered, the Yugoslav National Council was transplanted from Ljubljana to Zagreb and strengthened by the inclusion of representatives of all parties (Oct. |
cave in fall in subside fall down sag |
3 | considerable/kənˈsɪd.ə.rə.bəl/ | فراوان قابل توجه، زیاد | صفت |
His note pad was ever present and he spent a considerable amount of time on the phone. She has made considerable progress in the study of arithmetic. |
sizeable substantial appreciable significant goodly tolerable |
4 | crop/krɑːp/ | محصول | اسم |
The summer had been very dry and the corn crop had failed. You never can tell what might crop up. |
harvest year's growth yield produce vintage |
5 | crucial/ˈkruʃəl/ | مهم حیاتی | صفت |
The position of Damascus is a position of crucial importance from 1130 to 1154. The selection of organisms through the crucial test of fitness and the shaping of the organic world is an orderly process when contemplated on a grand scale. |
pivotal critical key climacteric decisive |
6 | damage/ˈdæmɪdʒ/ | صدمه آسیب | اسم |
It might have done damage inside. You can be thankful they didn't damage the tires. |
harm injury destruction vandalization vandalism impairment |
7 | damage/ˈdæmɪdʒ/ | آسیب رساندن صدمه زدن، خراب کردن | فعل |
It might have done damage inside. You can be thankful they didn't damage the tires. |
harm injury destruction vandalization vandalism impairment |
8 | death toll/ˈdeθ toʊl/ | آمار تلفات شمار کشتهشدگان | اسم |
9 | destruction/dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/ | تخریب نابودی | اسم |
The destruction continued for miles without end, as far as she could see. His whole life on the brink of destruction if it were recognized what he was doing. |
demolition knocking down pulling down tearing down levelling |
10 | disaster/dɪˈzæs.tər/ | مصیبت بلا، ناکامی بزرگ | اسم |
The events which led to this disaster may be briefly told. She froze when she saw the disaster that was her apartment. |
catastrophe calamity cataclysm tragedy act of God |
11 | drought/draʊt/ | خشکسالی | اسم |
Heat and drought had continued for more than three weeks. The drought is severe; rain falls rarely and in small quantities. |
dry spell, dry period, lack of rain, shortage of water drouth
12 | earthquake/ˈɜrθ.kweɪk/ | زلزله زمینلرزه | اسم |
The city was almost totally destroyed by an earthquake in 1766, and again in 1797. The earthquake grew more intense. |
earth tremor tremor convulsion shock foreshock |
13 | erupt/ɪˈrʌpt/ | فوران کردن | فعل |
This woman may find it quite difficult to talk about her feelings, particularly when she feels jealous, and it's in instances like these that you'll see that legendary temper erupt. Between the ages of about six and 12 to 14, as the jaw grows, 28 permanent teeth erupt, replacing the primary teeth, incisor for incisor, canine for canine, premolar or bicuspid for molar. |
emit lava belch lava become active flare up eject material |
14 | eruption/ɪˈrʌpʃn/ | انفجار فوران | اسم |
In a serious eruption in 1856 .the S.E. This eruption was attended with great it estruction of life and property. |
discharge venting ejection emission explosion outbreak |
15 | evacuate/ɪˈvækjueɪt/ | تخلیه کردن | فعل |
I'll evacuate you as soon as it's safe. We can't evacuate you, but we can hide in the hills. |
remove clear move out shift take away |
16 | evacuation/ɪˌvækjuˈeɪʃn/ | تخلیه | اسم |
I just issued the evacuation order for those remaining. The evacuation of Crete by the four protecting powers was followed in 1909 by renewed agitation. |
removal clearance shifting expulsion eviction |
17 | fear/fɪr/ | ترس وحشت | اسم |
For a long time he wandered in fear from place to place. The sea shore is too far to the east so I fear she'll be remanded to a roadside bier of Kudzu and discarded fast food wrappers. |
terror fright fearfulness horror alarm |
18 | fear/fɪr/ | ترسیدن | فعل |
For a long time he wandered in fear from place to place. The sea shore is too far to the east so I fear she'll be remanded to a roadside bier of Kudzu and discarded fast food wrappers. |
terror fright fearfulness horror alarm |
19 | ground/grɑʊnd/ | زمین | اسم |
Jule lay on the ground a short distance away. "I can't even see the ground," she said. |
floor earth terra firma flooring deck earth soil topsoil |
20 | hit/hɪt/ | آسیب رساندن اصابت کردن، آمدن [بلایای طبیعی] | فعل |
A train hit their car. You hit the nail again. |
strike slap smack cuff punch |
21 | hurricane/ˈhɝː.ɪ.keɪn/ | توفند تندباد دریایی | اسم |
Oh, and the tropical storm will become a hurricane late Saturday night. He'd managed to miss the hurricane, though the waters were still rough and the waves high. |
cyclone typhoon tornado storm tropical storm |
22 | lava/ˈlɑvə/ | مواد مذاب (آتشفشان) گدازه | اسم |
Great streams of lava flowed from the crater in ancient times. Less than a days' march north of here is a lava field. |
23 | maintain/meɪnˈteɪn/ | نگه داشتن حفظ کردن، حمایت (مالی) کردن | فعل |
continue keep keep going keep up keep alive |
24 | rescue/ˈres.kjuː/ | نجات دادن | فعل |
I didn't need you to rescue me. He's a rescue from a local rancher. |
save save from danger save the life of come to the aid of set free free |
25 | save/seɪv/ | نجات دادن | فعل |
You have a chance to save yourself. He did save your life, you know. |
rescue come to someone's rescue save someone's life come to someone's aid set free free |
26 | starve/stɑːrv/ | به شدت گرسنه بودن از گرسنگی مردن (مجازی) | فعل |
She'd just have to starve to death. She'd starve in a day. |
27 | strike/strɑɪk/ | برخورد کردن اصابت کردن، در نوردیدن | فعل |
He heard the clock strike ten. He saw his sister drop after the strike of a sword. |
hit slap smack beat thrash |
28 | sudden/ˈsʌd.ən/ | ناگهانی | صفت |
Why all the sudden attention? She smiled up at him, feeling a sudden need for levity. |
unexpected unforeseen unanticipated unlooked-for without warning |
29 | suddenly/ˈsʌd.ən.li/ | ناگهان یک مرتبه | قید |
Why would she suddenly remember that phrase? Suddenly, she jumped to her feet. |
immediately instantaneously instantly in an instant straight away |
30 | supply/səˈplaɪ/ | منبع ذخیره | اسم |
give contribute provide furnish donate |
31 | surrounding/səˈrɑʊnd.ɪŋ/ | اطراف حوالی، حومه | صفت |
Talon booked up all the surrounding hotels. The surrounding mountains are lofty and rugged. |
neighbouring nearby near neighbourhood local adjoining |
32 | surroundings/səˈrɑʊnd.ɪŋz/ | محیط | اسم |
In the immediate surroundings of the temple there is an open space. The sheets were cold and the unfamiliar surroundings unsettling. |
environment setting milieu background backdrop |
33 | tidal wave/ˈtaɪdəl weɪv/ | موج جزر و مدی سونامی | اسم |
34 | trap/træp/ | گیر انداختن به دام انداختن، گیر افتادن | فعل |
You could never trap me. They can have my trap, or else what is to become of them? |
trick stratagem ploy ruse wile |
35 | trapped/træpt/ | بهدامافتاده گیرافتاده | صفت |
I will not be trapped this time. The only problem seemed to be that they were somehow trapped on the mortal plane. |
trick stratagem ploy ruse wile |
36 | typhoon/taɪˈfuːn/ | گردباد توفان | اسم |
The typhoon warnings sent out from the Manila observatory annually save heavy loss of life and property. In the famous typhoon of the 10th of October 1882, the vortex of which passed over Manila, an immense amount of damage was done in the city. |
cyclone tropical storm storm tornado hurricane |
37 | violence/ˈvɑɪ.ə.ləns/ | خشونت خشونت آمیز، آشوب | اسم |
Where did all the anger and violence come from? The police blamed street violence though the neighborhood was wrong and girl had no known gang involvement. |
brutality brute force roughness ferocity fierceness |
38 | violent/ˈvaɪələnt/ | خشمگین خشونت آمیز، خشن | صفت |
I think you mean not as violent as I am. I was just ... well, the storm was so violent, and it was so cold. |
brutal vicious savage harsh rough |
39 | volcanic/vɔːlˈkænɪk/ | آتشفشانی | صفت |
The islands are, indeed, plainly volcanic in their nature. Its fires are not volcanic, but result from the combustion of coal some distance underground, giving off much smoke and steam; geologists estimate that the burning has been going on for at least 800 years. |
40 | volcano/vɑlˈkeɪ.noʊ/ | آتشفشان | اسم |
This volcano is all but extinct. The active volcano of Ceboruco rises in the western part of the territory. |
41 | wave/weɪv/ | موج (دریا) | اسم |
Jackson felt an intense wave of emotion. He indicated the space behind him with a wave of a hand. |
move to and fro move up and down wag waggle swing shake |