ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | whereabouts/ˈwɛrəˌbaʊts/ | کجا | قید |
The cat declined a lap-offer in favor of the purple rocker, Martha's chair, as if to question the whereabouts of her missing friend. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Josh, last name unknown, contact Miss Edith Plotke on 6th Street. |
location position site place situation |
2 | single/ˈsɪŋ.gəl/ | مجرد | صفت |
A single image can end a war. Could he then merge two souls together into a single body? |
one one only sole lone solitary |
3 | family name/ˈfæməli neɪm/ | نام خانوادگی | اسم |
4 | children/ˈʧɪldrən/ | کودکان فرزندان، [صورت جمع واژه : child] | اسم |
A house without children is not a home. They had two adopted children already. |
youngster young one little one boy girl baby |
5 | do/du/ | [فعل کمکی] | فعل |
Do you like fish? I never thought I could do it. |
carry out undertake discharge execute perpetrate |
6 | postcode/poʊstkoʊd/ | کد پستی | اسم |
Hundreds of Malawis for sale Hobbyist breeder in Doncaster postcode has 10.. . Postcode your property Marking your property can deter burglars. |
7 | name/neɪm/ | نام اسم | اسم |
I had already searched for the name Yancey Giddon, but found nothing. The name wasn't familiar to me. |
title denomination designation honorific tag |
8 | job/dʒɑːb/ | شغل کار | اسم |
Hopefully, she could get her job at the diner. We can handle this job by ourselves. |
position of employment position post situation place |
9 | how old/haʊ oʊld/ | چند سال چند ساله | قید |
10 | come from/kʌm frʌm/ | اهل جایی بودن متعلق (به جایی یا کسی) بودن | فعل |
11 | old/oʊld/ | ساله مسن | صفت |
My parents used to listen to those old songs. The old woman spoke to one of the younger women. |
elderly mature aged older senior |
12 | information/ˌɪn.fərˈmeɪ.ʃən/ | اطلاعات | اسم |
Getting information about him from Katie is too much work. Of course, she knew Alex well enough now to know he didn't like people to hand out information about him. |
details particulars facts figures statistics |
13 | whereabouts/ˈwɛrəˌbaʊts/ | جا محل، موقعیت | اسم |
The cat declined a lap-offer in favor of the purple rocker, Martha's chair, as if to question the whereabouts of her missing friend. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Josh, last name unknown, contact Miss Edith Plotke on 6th Street. |
location position site place situation |
14 | exactly/ɪgˈzæk.tli/ | دقیقا | قید |
They weren't exactly best of friends. He knew exactly where to look. |
precisely entirely absolutely completely totally |
15 | first/fɜːrst/ | اولین اول | تخصیص گر |
It was the first money that he had ever had. First it was the inheritance thing. |
earliest initial opening introductory original fundamental |