ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | language learning/ˈlæŋgwəʤ ˈlɜrnɪŋ/ | آموزش زبان یادگیری زبان | اسم |
2 | tip/tɪp/ | نصیحت نکته، راهنمایی | اسم |
After a silent prayer, I telephoned the tip line. Actually, the tip of the tip of the iceberg. |
point end extremity head sharp end |
3 | successful/səkˈses.fəl/ | موفق | صفت |
He was successful, in varying degrees in locating ninety-six. The party was very successful and quite like other parties he had seen. |
victorious triumphant fortunate lucky prosperous affluent wealthy |
4 | watch/wɒtʃ/ | تماشا کردن نگاه کردن | فعل |
He glanced at his watch and swallowed before answering. Watch for that ambulance. |
observe view look at eye gaze at |
5 | online/ˌɑːnˈlaɪn/ | آنلاین | صفت |
"It's online?" she exclaimed. I'll send you the link to our online forum. |
6 | video clip/ˈvɪd.iː.oʊˌklɪp/ | کلیپ ویدیوئی | اسم |
7 | vocabulary/voʊˈkæb.jəˌler.i/ | واژگان | اسم |
Surely his vocabulary included such a simple word. Their vocabulary is far more formal than the others. |
lexicon word stock lexis wordbook dictionary word list |
8 | notebook/ˈnoʊt.bʊk/ | دفتر دفترچه یادداشت | اسم |
She made her way to the notebook near the desk phone. Fred pulled out his notebook and began scribbling. |
notepad exercise book register logbook log |
9 | make/meɪk/ | درست کردن ساختن | فعل |
Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. Make life easy for yourselves. |
construct build assemble put together manufacture |
10 | flash card/flæʃ kɑrd/ | فلش کارت | اسم |
11 | talk/tɔːk/ | صحبت کردن حرف زدن، گفتگو کردن | فعل |
speak give voice chat chatter gossip prattle |
12 | native speaker/ˌneɪtɪv ˈspiːkər/ | بومی متکلم بومی | اسم |
13 | movie/ˈmuː.vi/ | فیلم | اسم |
Deidre watched the movie in both fascination and fear. It was the basis for the movie War Games in which the military's computer finally figures out it can't win in a nuclear launch scenario and says of such a war, Strange game. |
film picture motion picture feature feature film flick |
14 | subtitle/ˈsʌbtaɪtl/ | زیرنویس | اسم |
Yes, in 1977, Star Wars boasted no roman numeral, no 'A New Hope' subtitle; it stood alone. The subtitle on Mom's Minivan reads, "101 Car Travel Games and Ideas for Kids," and it's no exaggeration. |
15 | remember/rəˈmem.bər/ | به یاد آوردن به خاطر آوردن | فعل |
Do you remember that rumor in school? It makes me most happy to remember the hours we spent helping each other in study and sharing our recreation together. |
recall call to mind recollect think of put a name to place reminisce about |
16 | increase/ɪnˈkriːs/ | افزایش دادن زیاد کردن، بالا بردن | فعل |
That would increase the value of the house. Howard had to pull out of the driveway slowly and gradually increase his speed. |
grow get bigger get larger become greater enlarge |
17 | fluency/ˈfluː.ən.si/ | فصاحت (سخن و نگارش) سلاست، تسلط | اسم |
This time he made so much progress that in two years he read Greek and Latin with fluency and interest. The goal is verbal fluency. |
eloquence articulacy articulateness expressiveness communicativeness |
18 | improve/ɪmˈpruːv/ | بهبود دادن بهتر کردن، بهبود بخشیدن | فعل |
Maybe his mood would improve, anyway. "You will find your chances improve if you do exactly as I say," he said. |
make better better ameliorate upgrade refine |
19 | listening/ˈlɪsənɪŋ/ | مهارت شنیداری | اسم |
Pierre walked up and down the drawing room, not listening to what Petya was saying. Is he listening to your phone call? |
hear pay attention be attentive attend concentrate on |
20 | speaking/ˈspiːkɪŋ/ | صحبت تکلم، مهارت مکالمه | اسم |
Speaking of your mother, we'd better go in so she doesn't worry. It was as if she were there, speaking to me. |
talk say say anything say something utter state |
21 | comprehension/ˌkɑmpriˈhɛnʃən/ | درک مطلب (آموزشی) | اسم |
Comprehension unknotted his brows. "Carmen," he groaned in a singular expression of comprehension and grief. |
understanding ability to understand grasp grip conception |
22 | communication skills/kəmˌjunəˈkeɪʃən skɪlz/ | مهارت های ارتباطی | اسم |
23 | communicate/kəˈmjuː.nəˌkeɪt/ | ارتباط برقرار کردن | فعل |
At least she was willing to communicate now. He was trying to communicate – to improve their relationship. |
convey tell impart relay transmit |
24 | answer/ˈæn.sər/ | پاسخ دادن جواب دادن | فعل |
He put her answer down in his note book. Alex didn't answer and it went to his voice mail, so she left a message. |
reply response rejoinder return reaction acknowledgement retort |
25 | phone/foʊn/ | تلفن | اسم |
The phone woke me up, even though it wasn't very loud. Is he listening to your phone call? |
telephone mobile phone mobile cell phone car phone |
26 | call back/kɔl bæk/ | دوباره با کسی تماس گرفتن [بعد از یک بار پاسخ ندادن] دوباره زنگ زدن | فعل |
27 | check/tʃek/ | چک کردن بررسی کردن | فعل |
Why not check it out? I'll check into that too. |
examine inspect look at look over scrutinize |
28 | voice mail/ˈvɔɪsmeɪl/ | پیغام صوتی | اسم |
29 | ignore/ɪgˈnɔr/ | بیتوجهی کردن نادیده گرفتن | فعل |
She was trying hard to ignore the sensations in her body. Just ignore them and finish up. |
disregard take no notice of pay no attention to pay no heed to pass over |
30 | leave a message/liv ə ˈmɛsəʤ/ | پیغام گذاشتن | عبارت |
31 | respond/rɪˈspɑnd/ | پاسخ دادن واکنش نشان دادن | فعل |
When she didn't respond, Alex looked up. He didn't respond and she didn't look back. |
answer reply to say something in response to acknowledge greet counter make a response |
32 | email/ˈiː.meɪl/ | ایمیل پست الکترونیکی | اسم |
My email address is in there, too. Why would I want to email you? |
33 | call/kɔːl/ | تماس (تلفنی) | اسم |
He was going to call the doctor. Do you want me to call Len? |
cry out cry shout yell sing out |
34 | screen/skrin/ | چک کردن بررسی کردن | فعل |
She unhooked the screen and pushed it out. She looked from the computer screen to the phone with the flashing red light. |
partition divider room divider dividing wall separator |
35 | turn off/tɜrn ɔf/ | خاموش کردن | فعل |
leave branch off take a side road take another road make a left make a right take a left |
36 | update/əpˈdeɪt/ | به روز رسانی کردن به روز کردن، ارتقا دادن | فعل |
I'll update your address list virtually over the next few years. "Update on the tears," he directed. |
modernize bring up to date bring into the twenty-first century renovate refurbish |
37 | status/ˈstætəs/ | جایگاه وضعیت، شأن | اسم |
His status is shown by his wergild. More than that in Facebook status updates every day. |
standing rank ranking position social position |