ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | evidence/ˈev.əd.əns/ | مدرک شواهد | اسم |
proof confirmation verification substantiation corroboration |
2 | burgle/ˈbɜːrɡl/ | دزدی کردن | فعل |
break into force entry into force an entry into force one's way into steal from rob |
3 | censorship/ˈsɛnsərˌʃɪp/ | سانسور تفتیش (عقاید، نوشتار و ...) | اسم |
He wrote according to order, and no question of censorship arose. In the second part of the constitution the pope deals with the censorship of books. |
4 | hijack/ˈhaɪˌʤæk/ | دزدیدن (هواپیما، کشتی یا وسیله نقلیه) | فعل |
The plot involves mysterious aliens who infiltrate the Enterprise and hijack ... well, Spock's brain. Hackers want to hijack your computer and redirect it to a particular Web site to artificially inflate advertiser web traffic statistics, which means so much money per click. |
commandeer seize take over take possession of skyjack appropriate |
5 | blackmail/ˈblækmeɪl/ | حق السکوت تهدید، باجگیری، اخاذی | اسم |
"You can use the vial to blackmail your way back," Jade added. Then he added, "You didn't try to blackmail him into quitting the election, did you?" |
extortion demanding money with menaces exaction intimidation protection racket bribery wringing |
6 | guilty/ˈgɪl.ti/ | گناهکار مجرم | صفت |
The men are as guilty as she is. The old man feels he is guilty, but cannot change himself. |
culpable to blame blameworthy blameable at fault |
7 | false/fɔls/ | دروغین تقلبی، جعلی | صفت |
Is it possible that something else could cause a false test? The story that Earl Godwine himself was of churlish birth, whether true or false, marks the possibility of such a rise. |
incorrect untrue wrong erroneous fallacious |
8 | vandalize/ˈvændəlaɪz/ | آسیب رساندن خراب کردن | فعل |
9 | forgery/ˈfɔːrdʒəri/ | جعل | اسم |
The letter of Macarius, therefore, if a forgery, must be a very early one.' There is absolutely no motive for a forgery in the contents of the epistle. |
counterfeiting fraudulent copying fraudulent imitation falsification faking fabrication coining fake |
10 | stalker/ˈstɔːkər/ | مزاحم تعقیب کننده | اسم |
I said a silent prayer the young lady hadn't fallen into the hands of someone like our stalker. He traced her all the way out here, like some love-sick stalker. |
11 | newscaster/ˈnuzˌkæstər/ | مجری خبری (تلویزیون و رادیو) گوینده خبر | اسم |
Before becoming an actress, Ripa wanted to be a newscaster. He ranked third in Playgirl magazine's "Sexiest Newscaster List" in 2004. |
12 | axe/æks/ | برکنار کردن از دور کنار رفتن | فعل |
She gripped the handle of the axe more tightly, hands clammy. A moment later, he dropped the axe and ran. |
hatchet cleaver adze tomahawk chopper battleaxe poleaxe cancel withdraw drop |
13 | hesitate/ˈhɛzəˌteɪt/ | تعلل کردن تردید کردن | فعل |
She didn't hesitate and took it. I didn't think you'd hesitate to help someone, if you could. |
pause delay hang back wait shilly-shally |
14 | murder/ˈmɜːrdər/ | به قتل رساندن آدم کشتن | فعل |
The murder happened days, maybe weeks ago. His murder was someone else's headache. |
killing homicide assassination liquidation extermination |
15 | skip/skɪp/ | جلو زدن (فیلم، کتاب) رد کردن | فعل |
Come on, let's skip on home. I do love to run and hop and skip with Robert in bright warm sun. |
caper prance trip dance bound |
16 | paparazzi/ˌpæpəˈrætsi/ | عکاسان پاپاراتزی | اسم |
The fact is shapewear is a popular tool used by stylists to help give their clients that flawless look whether they walk the red carpet or the paparazzi are snapping their photo going into a restaurant. On a night out whether they're facing a barrage of paparazzi or not! |
17 | stalk/stɔːk/ | تعقیب کردن مزاحم شدن، دنبال کسی راه افتادن | فعل |
Sandy uplands produce a short stalk which bears fairly well. He would pollinate a wheat stalk, then cover it with a trash bag to prevent contamination by other plants. |
stem shoot trunk stock cane |
18 | murder/ˈmɜːrdər/ | قتل (عمد) | اسم |
The murder happened days, maybe weeks ago. His murder was someone else's headache. |
killing homicide assassination liquidation extermination |
19 | ignore/ɪgˈnɔr/ | بیتوجهی کردن نادیده گرفتن | فعل |
She was trying hard to ignore the sensations in her body. Just ignore them and finish up. |
disregard take no notice of pay no attention to pay no heed to pass over |
20 | murderer/ˈmɜːrdərər/ | قاتل آدمکش | اسم |
That murderer confessed to the authorities. A single case of homicide often leads to a series of similar crimes or to protracted warfare between neighbouring families and communities; the murderer, as a rule, takes refuge in the mountains from the avenger of blood, or remains for years shut up in his house. |
killer, liquidator, terminator, slaughterer homicide slayer
21 | split/splɪt/ | جدا شدن | فعل |
Remember now, split it fairly. Want to split the heavens. |
break chop cut hew lop |
22 | forger/ˈfɔːrdʒər/ | جعلکننده | اسم |
But the story is quite likely to ignore how the forger got his power and where it springs from. Sackler and DeLeo were packing up, off to follow a lead on the whereabouts of a forger of Social Security checks who had been working overtime in recent months. |
counterfeiter, falsifier, faker, copyist, imitator coiner
23 | robbery/ˈrɑːbəri/ | سرقت دزدی | اسم |
Robbery and pillaging continue. Robbery is not permitted to anybody now a days! shouted the publican, picking up his cap. |
burglary theft thievery stealing breaking and entering |
24 | forge/fɔːrdʒ/ | جعل کردن | فعل |
English local tradition placed Wayland Smith's forge in a cave close to the White Horse in Berkshire. Thomas Bunyan had a forge and workshop at Elstow. |
hammer out beat into shape found cast mould |
25 | rob/rɑːb/ | دزدی کردن | فعل |
Rob rode up beside her. For a moment she thought he was going to say something to Rob, but his attention returned to the food on his plate. |
burgle steal from hold up break into raid loot |
26 | objective/əbˈdʒek.tɪv/ | بیطرفانه بیغرض | صفت |
Dean tried to be as objective as possible and let the report speak for itself. Success will depend on objective criteria and visualizing the process. |
impartial unbiased unprejudiced non-partisan disinterested |
27 | arrest/əˈrest/ | دستگیر کردن بازداشت کردن | فعل |
They could arrest and imprison. Why don't you arrest both of us? |
apprehend take into custody seize take in take prisoner |
28 | innocent/ˈɪn.ə.sənt/ | بیگناه | صفت |
The children are so innocent they will believe anything I tell them. He was the same as ever, but the feverish color of his face, his glittering eyes rapturously turned toward her, and especially his neck, delicate as a child's, revealed by the turn-down collar of his shirt, gave him a peculiarly innocent, childlike look, such as she had never seen on him before. |
guiltless guilt-free not guilty blameless not to blame |
29 | smuggling/ˈsmʌɡlɪŋ/ | قاچاق | اسم |
This is one of our smuggling routes. The statute of 1630 forbidding the exportation of wool, followed by the Plague of 1665, led to a serious trade depression, while the former enactment resulted in the vast smuggling trade which spread along the coast, 40,000 packs of wool being smuggled to Calais from Kent and Sussex in two years. |
bring illegally, take illegally, run, sneak
30 | overprotective/ˌoʊvərprəˈtektɪv/ | بیش از حد مراقب و محتاط بیش از حد نگران | صفت |
Was she overprotective of everyone? Maybe he was merely overprotective. |
31 | accurate/ˈækjərət/ | دقیق صحیح | صفت |
But I'm not sure there's any accurate way of proving that one way or the other. Had he been abstaining so he could get an accurate test? |
correct precise exact right errorless |
32 | fraud/frɔːd/ | کلاهبرداری تقلب | اسم |
"I'll bet he's a fraud," I said. Lucian's own close investigations into Alexander's methods of fraud led to a serious attempt on his life. |
fraudulence sharp practice cheating swindling trickery |
33 | terrorism/ˈter.əˌrɪz.əm/ | تروریسم ایجاد ترس و وحشت در مردم | اسم |
No longer a tyrant of Ezzelinos stamp, he reigned by intelligence and terrorism masked beneath a smile. The history of the agitation which culminated in the disorderly rising of 1863 is one of intrigue, secret agitation, and in the end of sheer terrorism by a secret society, which organized political assassination. |
34 | question/ˈkwes.tʃən/ | سوال پرسیدن پرس و جو کردن | فعل |
The big question was, would her confidence last? Did Mom question Dad? |
inquiry query interrogation examination quiz quizzing doubt dispute |
35 | quiz/kwɪz/ | سوال پرسیدن | فعل |
If you're having a difficult time deciding on which school you should attend or what kind of pet you should get, an online quiz will help you pinpoint what you want and what you don't want, making the decision making process easier. The American Ballet Theatre, one of the most prestigious companies and schools in the United States, has an online ballet dictionary of over 150 terms that you can learn from and quiz your students on. |
test of knowledge competition panel game quiz game quiz show interrogation |
36 | judge/ʤʌʤ/ | قاضی | اسم |
I do not allow myself to judge him and would not have others do so. The judge told us not to discuss the case. |
justice magistrate Her Honour His Honour Your Honour Law Lord |
37 | news/nuːz/ | خبر اخبار | اسم |
The news was devastating to all of us. After a night's sleep the news is as indispensable as the breakfast. |
report announcement story account item news item |
38 | fraudster/ˈfrɔːdstər/ | کلاهبردار متقلب | اسم |
The fraudster had somehow learned the password to the phone system. On a public computer a fraudster can log on, install the key logger, then log off. |
39 | spat/spæt/ | مشاجره جدل، دعوا، جر و بحث | اسم |
The Watcher all but spat the words. Before Connor had spat out the itch in bitch, Jackson was across the room and had picked him up by the throat. |
expectorate hawk gob hoick snap say angrily hiss |
40 | tab/tæb/ | انتخاب کردن برگزیدن | فعل |
The deduction of the formula tab, where a and b are numbers, should be regarded as a later step. from the left bank of the river Tab, here called Kurdistan river. |
tag flap loop lappet label strap |
41 | against/əˈgenst/ | مخالف علیه، بر ضد | حرف اضافه |
I don't have to defend myself against Alex. What do you have against me? |
opposed to in opposition to hostile to averse to antagonistic towards |
42 | terrorist/ˈterərɪst/ | تروریست تروریستی | اسم |
His indignation carried him into accord for a time with those who advocated the terrorist policy. After the close of the Convention Tallien's political importance came to an end, for, though he sat in the Council of Five Hundred, the moderates attacked him as terrorist, and the extreme party as a renegade. |
bomber arsonist incendiary gunman assassin desperado hijacker revolutionary |
43 | bid/bɪd/ | تلاش کردن سعی کردن | فعل |
They bid them goodnight and climbed the stairs. The impulse to do as he bid was too strong. |
offer make an offer of put in a bid of put up tender |
44 | reporter/rəˈpɔːrt̬.ər/ | گزارشگر خبرنگار | اسم |
I am sure no reporter was present. That damned reporter is supposed to interview me at 3:00. |
journalist correspondent newspaperman newspaperwoman newsman |
45 | illegal/ɪˈligəl/ | غیر قانونی | صفت |
There was nothing illegal going on, simply mysterious. It was hard to picture him involved with anything illegal... but why? |
unlawful illicit illegitimate against the law criminal |
46 | freelance/ˈfriːlæns/ | آزاد مستقل | صفت |
But if he does some more freelance work after I told you what happened, you will be responsible. Providing editing and tutoring services: Some freelance writers find that they enjoy teaching students how to improve their writing by providing editing services and constructive feedback on research papers and other projects. |
47 | quit/kwɪt/ | استعفا دادن | فعل |
I'm ready to quit already. Yeah, yeah, quit your nagging. |
leave go away from depart from vacate evacuate |
48 | burglar/ˈbɜːrɡlər/ | دزد سارق | اسم |
Other changes included a larger foyer, new plumbing, a new heating system, and a burglar alarm system. You install a burglar alarm to protect your house. |
housebreaker robber cat burglar raider looter |
49 | censor/ˈsɛnsər/ | سانسور کردن | فعل |
By a reform of the censor Appius Claudius in 312 B.C. these non-assidui were admitted into the tribes, and the aerarii as such disappeared. His job was to censor matter voluntarily submitted by the Press. |
expurgator examiner inspector editor cut delete delete parts of |
50 | cab/kæb/ | تاکسی | اسم |
He would cab to the airport in the morning and return to California. So after a cab ride to the airport rental agency, we escaped the fumes of Manhattan on an August Friday noon and joined the city escapees heading north. |
taxi taxi cab minicab hackney cab hackney carriage hack fiacre compartment driver's compartment |
51 | violent/ˈvaɪələnt/ | خشمگین خشونت آمیز، خشن | صفت |
I think you mean not as violent as I am. I was just ... well, the storm was so violent, and it was so cold. |
brutal vicious savage harsh rough |
52 | advice columnist/ædˈvaɪs ˈkɑləmnəst/ | نویسنده ستون مشاوره (روزنامه و مجله) | اسم |
53 | commit/kəˈmɪt/ | مرتکب شدن صورت گرفتن (جرم) | فعل |
She was admitting to a crime she didn't commit, knowing it was her son who did it. Before you commit to a number, think of this. |
carry out do perform perpetrate engage in |
54 | charge/tʃɑːrdʒ/ | متهم کردن اتهام وارد کردن | فعل |
Before she could object, Kiki took charge again. I will be in charge of your initiation. |
ask in payment ask fix a charge fix a price impose |
55 | mugger/ˈmʌɡər/ | زورگیر چاقوکش | اسم |
It was not a good day for crime for the mugger as the erstwhile crime fighter - Jack Osbourne - soon overtook him. The would-be mugger quickly set off on foot, hoping to outrun the now fit and fierce Osbourne. |
56 | commentator/ˈkɑːmənteɪtər/ | گزارشگر | اسم |
The most recent and elaborate commentator even calls him an "ethnologist." The earliest commentator of note was Sir Edward Coke, who published his Second Institute, which deals with Magna Carta, by order of the Long Parliament in 1642. |
narrator commenter reporter correspondent journalist announcer |
57 | hacking/ˈhækɪŋ/ | هک کردن | اسم |
She took a hacking swing at the grass. She'd been safe for ten days on her own; maybe hacking into the fed system to change her profile was enough to draw the attention of someone working for General Greene. |
cut chop hew lop saw slash cough |
58 | smuggle/ˈsmʌɡl/ | قاچاق کردن | فعل |
They started to smuggle cargo onto the shore. The attacks on the coast occurred simultaneously with nukes that would've been impossible to hide, let alone smuggle into the country. |
bring illegally, take illegally, run, sneak
59 | print/prɪnt/ | عکس چاپی چاپی | اسم |
It seems to me when you practice letters, you print uppercase letters first, don't you? "They can't print this!" she protested finally. |
set in print send to press run off preprint reprint |
60 | jury/ˈdʒʊr.i/ | هیئت منصفه | اسم |
What's it got to do with jury duty? In this court and in this court alone there is always a jury of twelve. |
61 | pickpocket/ˈpɪkpɑːkɪt/ | جیب بر | اسم |
There is hardly in Robinson Crusoe a scene equal, and there is consequently not in English literature a scene superior, to that where the youthful pickpocket first exercises his trade, and then for a time loses his ill-gotten gains. I still think the best way to get money is to pickpocket anyone you encounter in the game. |
thief petty thief sneak thief bag snatcher purse-snatcher cutpurse pickpurse |
62 | stalking/ˈstɔːkɪŋ/ | تعقیب مزاحمت | اسم |
Katie snatched the shaving bag and a towel, stalking to the bathroom. Was something stalking her? |
stem shoot trunk stock cane |
63 | proof/pruːf/ | مدرک | اسم |
But no, it wasn't proof at all. What she saw today was proof that she needed it close by. |
evidence verification corroboration authentication confirmation |
64 | kidnapping/ˈkɪdˌnæpɪŋ/ | آدمربایی ربایش | اسم |
Our major success was our first kidnapping for ransom. Saying that might go further toward getting him to forget the kidnapping and murder and going on with his life. |
abduct carry off capture seize snatch |
65 | robber/ˈrɑːbər/ | سارق دزد | اسم |
His first case was the defence of a notorious robber and murderer. The robber chief was struck by this answer. |
burglar thief housebreaker cat burglar sneak thief |
66 | online/ˌɑːnˈlaɪn/ | آنلاین | صفت |
"It's online?" she exclaimed. I'll send you the link to our online forum. |
67 | punishment/ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ | مجازات تنبیه | اسم |
"What will the punishment be, Mr. Johnson?" asked a bold, bad boy. No other punishment fell on the man. |
penalizing punishing disciplining retribution damnation chastising chastisement penalty |
68 | kidnapper/ˈkɪdˌnæpər/ | آدمربا | اسم |
The kidnapper was the child's mother, a drug addict, who no longer had custody and tried to spirit her daughter away. Did you notice they didn't catch the kidnapper? |
69 | get caught/gɛt kɑt/ | گیر افتادن گرفتار شدن، دستگیر شدن | فعل |
70 | private/ˈpraɪvət/ | خصوصی شخصی | صفت |
I'm trying to have a private conversation here. I should have shown it to you in private - prepared you for it. |
personal one's own individual particular special |
71 | kidnap/ˈkɪdnæp/ | آدمربایی کردن | فعل |
Do you think she might kidnap her? What if someone decided to kidnap her? |
abduct carry off capture seize snatch |
72 | sentence/ˈsen.t̬əns/ | محکوم کردن | فعل |
He typed a short sentence, and then stopped. Finally, in the trial of the king he demanded, with the Girondists, that the sentence should be pronounced by a vote of the whole people, and not simply by the Convention. |
judgement ruling pronouncement decision determination |
73 | investigate/ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ | بررسی کردن تحقیق کردن، بازرسی کردن | فعل |
I promised you I'd investigate this as thoroughly as I could. He gave orders to investigate the matter. |
inquire into look into go into look over probe |
74 | sensational/senˈseɪʃənl/ | مهیج هیجانانگیز، محشر، فوقالعاده | صفت |
I make the predictions in this book not to be sensational or controversial. (Official Returns of the Board of Trade.) Her most sensational prophecies had to do with Cardinal Wolsey, the duke of Suffolk, Lord Percy and other men prominent at the court of Henry VIII. |
amazing startling astonishing staggering shocking |
75 | taxi/ˈtæk.si/ | تاکسی | اسم |
"I could call a taxi," she said. He still relied on a taxi to get him from his apartment to Peabody. |
76 | theft/θeft/ | دزدی سرقت | اسم |
Surely Yancey wasn't involved in art theft as well. Its theft is a frequent subject in Greek art, especially of the earlier time. |
robbery stealing thieving larceny thievery |
77 | hacker/ˈhækər/ | هکر | اسم |
Some hacker might be able to, or the FBI maybe. If you use your phone for banking or other uses involving money or password entry, then a hacker could retrieve your IDs and passwords, especially if you use the "Remember Me" option when signing in. |
78 | trial/ˈtraɪəl/ | دادگاه دادگاهی، محاکمه | اسم |
He was sent for trial and condemned to hard labor, I believe. He would simply have to learn by trial and error. |
court case case lawsuit suit hearing |
79 | biased/ˈbaɪəst/ | متعصبانه جانبدارانه، متعصب | صفت |
The plan was biased in favor of small parties. Biased bowls were introduced in the 16th century. |
prejudiced partial partisan one-sided blinkered |
80 | steal/stiːl/ | دزدیدن | فعل |
Your goal is to steal a necklace with a red gem on it. If they do, it will be to steal my ore. |
purloin thieve take take for oneself help oneself to |
81 | hack/hæk/ | هک کردن (رایانه) نفوذ کردن (به سیستم رایانهای) | فعل |
You're beginning to hack me off. "Well … I tried to hack a part one of the tears," Cora said. |
cut chop hew lop saw slash cough |
82 | blackmailer/ˈblækmeɪlər/ | باجگیر تهدیدکننده | اسم |
83 | critic/ˈkrɪtɪk/ | منتقد | اسم |
A recent critic has sought in religion the clue to her character and the mainspring of her genius. As a literary critic Pollio was very severe. |
commentator observer monitor pundit expert |
84 | vandalism/ˈvændəlɪzəm/ | تخریب آثار عمومی و باارزش وندالیسم | اسم |
The forest is now protected as a national reserve against vandalism and commercialism. These acts of vandalism took place throughout Egypt, but in the distant mines of Sinai the cartouches of Hatshepsut are untouched. |
85 | blackmail/ˈblækmeɪl/ | اخاذی کردن باج گرفتن (از راه ترساندن)، حق السکوت گرفتن | فعل |
"You can use the vial to blackmail your way back," Jade added. Then he added, "You didn't try to blackmail him into quitting the election, did you?" |
extortion demanding money with menaces exaction intimidation protection racket bribery wringing |
86 | watch out/wɑʧ aʊt/ | مراقب بودن مواظب بودن | فعل |
87 | hijacking/ˈhaɪˌʤækɪŋ/ | سرقت | اسم |
It sounds like there is something on your computer that is hijacking the google ads. Let's look at how we work to keep dangerous people from hijacking airplanes. |
commandeer seize take over take possession of skyjack appropriate |
88 | accuse/əˈkjuz/ | متهم کردن متهم شدن، مقصر دانستن | فعل |
Your actions alone accuse you. It had provided the opportunity for him to accuse her of being unfaithful. |
charge with indict for arraign for take to court for put on trial for |
89 | law/lɔ/ | قانون علم حقوق، حقوق | اسم |
In contrast, courts of law apply the law to everyone. But the law of history relates to man. |
rules and regulations system of laws body of laws constitution legislation |
90 | vandal/ˈvændəl/ | خرابکار | اسم |
The town was taken by the Vandal Genseric in A.D. The Vandal king Genseric, however, after all overtures of peace had been rejected, succeeded through the treachery of certain officers in surprising the Roman fleet, most of the ships being either taken or destroyed. |
91 | bribery/ˈbraɪbəri/ | رشوهخواری رشوهدهی | اسم |
Bribery may be punished by fine, imprisonment and disfranchisement for ten years. He was accused of bribery during his candidature, and, in spite of Cicero's defence, was condemned. |
corruption, subornation payola palm-greasing, graft, hush money
92 | clash/klæʃ/ | جر و بحث کردن مشاجره کردن | فعل |
A clash with Parma occurred to aggravate his troubles. The natives appeared again the next spring, and a clash occurred. |
confrontation skirmish brush encounter engagement |
93 | hijacker/ˈhaɪˌʤækər/ | سارق دزد | اسم |
94 | editor/ˈed.ə.tər/ | سردبیر (روزنامه، مجله و ...) ویراستار | اسم |
He was editor of the Yale Review, 1896-1910. Some sensible observations by the editor were added to the original biography. |
95 | bribe/braɪb/ | رشوه دادن | فعل |
The world could not bribe him. I thought we could try to bribe Skippy with them. |
buy off pay off suborn give an inducement to corrupt grease someone's palm |
96 | mugging/ˈmʌɡɪŋ/ | زورگیری چاقوکشی | اسم |
Whether that activity is mugging someone, breaking into a home, or dealing drugs, none of your options will be good. Neither Dean nor Fred volunteered any information on why they were in Willoughby's or that the fracas was anything but a mugging. |
beaker cup tankard glass stein flagon |
97 | witness/ˈwɪtnəs/ | شاهد | اسم |
No one is forcing you to witness that stuff! Did you get to witness the birth? |
observer onlooker looker-on eyewitness spectator |
98 | news anchor/njuz ˈæŋkər/ | گوینده خبر مجری خبر | اسم |
99 | vow/vaʊ/ | قسم خوردن قول دادن، تعهد دادن | فعل |
Yet in spite of this your vow was binding. That night she made a vow to herself. |
oath pledge promise bond covenant |
100 | journalist/ˈʤɜrnələst/ | خبرنگار روزنامهنگار | اسم |
About the same period began his activities as a journalist and publicist. CHARLES EMORY SMITH (1842-1908), American journalist and political leader, was born in Mansfield, Connecticut, on the 18th of February 1842. |
reporter correspondent newsman newswoman newspaperman |