ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | respected/rəˈspek.tɪd/ | ارجمند محترم، گرامی (داشته شده) | صفت |
2 | agoraphobia/ˌæɡərəˈfoʊbiə/ | هراس از مکانهای باز | اسم |
In adults, only about 20 percent of specific phobias go away without treatment, and agoraphobia gets worse with time if untreated. I developed agoraphobia and couldn't leave the flat. |
3 | talented/ˈtæl.ənt.ɪd/ | مستعد بااستعداد | صفت |
The talented prefect of Kufa, Moghira b. He was the most talented player the small Ouray school had produced in years. |
4 | backward/ˈbæk.wərd/ | به عقب عقبی | قید |
She took a step backward and stared mutely up at his face. She took a step backward and met his gaze angrily. |
5 | wave/weɪv/ | دست تکان دادن | فعل |
Jackson felt an intense wave of emotion. He indicated the space behind him with a wave of a hand. |
6 | die/dɑɪ/ | مردن فوت کردن | فعل |
I should die of happiness! He expected to die from starvation. |
7 | influence/ˈɪnfluəns/ | تاثیر گذاشتن اثر گذاشتن | فعل |
I'm a bad influence on you. He can influence opinion at the highest level. |
8 | bite/bɑɪt/ | گاز گرفتن | فعل |
Don't bite my head off. It did not try to bite or scratch. |
9 | crocodile/ˈkrɑːkədaɪl/ | کروکدیل | اسم |
The crocodile is found in some of the rivers. Among the animals are the puma, manatee (sea cow), alligator and crocodile, but the number of these has been greatly diminished by hunting. |
10 | bee/biː/ | زنبور | اسم |
11 | cow/kaʊ/ | گاو | اسم |
Can't you eat a cow or a rabbit or something? The Latin word for "cow" is vacca. |
12 | glossophobia/ˈɡlɑsˈoʊˈfoʊbiːə/ | ترس از حرف زدن در جمع ترس از سخنرانی | اسم |
13 | exposure therapy/ɪkˈspoʊʒər ˈθɛrəpi/ | درمان از طریق مواجهه روش درمانی مواجههای | اسم |
14 | dolphin/ˈdɑːlfɪn/ | دلفین | اسم |
The sea mammals include the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis). Anion's lyre and the dolphin were translated to the stars. |
15 | bull/bʊl/ | گاو نر | اسم |
A mature bull weighs over a ton and can be six feet or more at the hump. Have you seen the Longhorn bull lately? |
16 | high school/ˈhɑɪ.skuːl/ | دبیرستان | اسم |
17 | sting/stɪŋ/ | نیش زدن | فعل |
I felt a sharp sting as the blade cut. For the sting and ovipositor H. |
18 | elephant/ˈel.ə.fənt/ | فیل | اسم |
The appearance of the Asiatic elephant is familiar to all. South of the Thames the thoroughfares crossing the river between Lambeth and Bermondsey converge upon two circuses, St George's and the Elephant and Castle. |
19 | dog/dɔːɡ/ | سگ | اسم |
Does a dog have ears? He held out his hand for the dog to sniff, but Nikolai nuzzled his nose into it instead. |
20 | work/wˈɜːrk/ | موثر واقع شدن عمل کردن، اثر داشتن، جواب دادن | فعل |
It did work this morning. After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores. |
21 | tie/taɪ/ | بستن | فعل |
You have to tie the bales by hand, though. Here, tie the rope around your waist. |
22 | jellyfish/ˈdʒelifɪʃ/ | عروس دریایی | اسم |
Click the right arrow as the jellyfish to the right pass into the dotted line, the down arrow as the jellyfish in the center get to the dotted line, and the left arrow as the jellyfish to the left approach the center of the dotted line. The more accurate you are about hitting the buttons when the jellyfish are in the center of the dotted line, the more points you earn to build up your trick meter to the far left of the play screen. |
23 | giraffe/dʒəˈræf/ | زرافه | اسم |
In the giraffe it may be absent or present. The zebra, giraffe and the rare okapi are found in the north-eastern borderlands. |
24 | goat/ɡoʊt/ | بز | اسم |
As they approached, the goat pawed the ground and called softly. Like, why you decided to start a goat dairy? |
25 | effective/ɪˈfek.tɪv/ | موثر | صفت |
You're about as effective at pep talks as Rhyn. It's so much more effective than rope, or wire, or chains. |
26 | shark/ʃɑːrk/ | کوسه | اسم |
There is also a profitable shark fishery in the hands of Arabs. Hardly of less scientific interest is the Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus). |
27 | kangaroo/ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ | کانگورو | اسم |
Among these, the great grey kangaroo (M. The kangaroo (Macro pus) lives in droves in the open grassy plains. |
28 | float/floʊt/ | شناور بودن شناور شدن | فعل |
I am not afraid to float now. Her head felt like it could float off her body. |
stay afloat stay on the surface be buoyant be buoyed up hover levitate |
29 | horse/hɔːrs/ | اسب | اسم |
The horse stood still. Katie asked her about the progress on the horse ranch. |
mount charger yearling cob draught horse carthorse |
30 | placebo/pləˈsiːboʊ/ | دارونما پلاسیبو | اسم |
31 | height/haɪt/ | جای بلند بلندی | اسم |
The mountain ridges vary in height up to 4000 ft. He's about the same height and weight but he's younger. |
highness tallness loftiness distance upwards extent upwards |
32 | snake/sneɪk/ | مار | اسم |
There could be a snake in the daylight. A mouse she could handle – literally, but a snake was something different. |
serpent ophidian Joe Blake traitor turncoat betrayer informer back-stabber |
33 | pig/pɪg/ | خوک گوشت خوک | اسم |
porcus, pig, and piscis, fish; the mod. Pig Jaw. |
hog boar sow porker swine |
34 | phobia/ˈfoʊbiə/ | هراس ترس شدید | اسم |
I should have realized you had a phobia about snakes. Alex had a phobia about serpents. |
abnormal fear irrational fear obsessive fear fear dread |
35 | sheep/ʃiːp/ | گوسفند | اسم |
Alex knew the sheep liked this area. Still, goats and sheep had been in North America for hundreds of years. |
woollyback mutton jumbuck woolly
36 | panic/ˈpænɪk/ | هراس وحشت | اسم |
alarm anxiety nervousness fear fright |
37 | be born/bi bɔrn/ | به دنیا آمدن متولد شدن | فعل |
38 | lion/ˈlɑɪ.ən/ | شیر (حیوان) | اسم |
the lion and puma, ostrich and rhea. There was a lion in the linen closet and no one wanted to reach for the towel. |
big cat king of the beasts lioness hero man of courage brave man lionheart lionhearted man conqueror |
39 | rational/ˈræʃnəl/ | منطقی عاقلانه | صفت |
The gut wrenching pain left him unable to process any rational thought. These physical discomforts rendered rational thought and remembrance near impossible. |
logical reasoned well reasoned sensible reasonable |
40 | butterfly/ˈbʌtərflaɪ/ | پروانه | اسم |
The abdomen under the wings of the butterfly still represents the larva. What were you trying to do, little yellow butterfly … fly? |
41 | college/ˈkɑl.ɪdʒ/ | کالج دانشکده | اسم |
She'll be going to college next month. I would never stop you from going to college or doing anything else you wanted to do. |
educational institution training establishment centre of learning seat of learning school academy |
42 | monkey/ˈmʌŋ.ki/ | میمون | اسم |
Like being a mortal blood monkey is soooooooo far above lunchmeat! I'll be standing by the monkey bars. |
simian primate ape rascal imp wretch |
43 | footstep/ˈfʊtˌstɛp/ | صدای پا قدم، گام، جای پا | اسم |
A light footstep and the clinking of spurs were heard at the door, and the young count, handsome, rosy, with a dark little mustache, evidently rested and made sleeker by his easy life in Moscow, entered the room. When we are walking past a fence formed by equally-spaced vertical rails or overlapping boards, we may often note that each footstep is followed by a musical ring. |
footfall step stride tread pace |
44 | irrational/ɪˈræʃənl/ | غیرمنطقی نامعقول، غیر عقلانی | صفت |
It wasn't the money he objected to so much as the irrational logic. There must be a God who can miraculously endow the irrational mind of man with truth - so runs the new. |
unreasonable illogical groundless baseless unfounded |
45 | fly/flɑɪ/ | مگس | اسم |
I have a feeling you're getting ready to fly the coop. We can't naturally fly, so we make airplanes. |
travel through the air wing its way wing glide soar |
46 | mouse/mɑʊs/ | موش | اسم |
Look, I'll be quiet as a mouse and cause no trouble. A mouse is in the box. |
47 | get divorced/gɛt dɪˈvɔrst/ | طلاق گرفتن | فعل |
48 | directions/dəˈrek.ʃənz/ | آدرس جهتدهی | اسم |
Her directions hadn't been far off. She hated to ask for directions to another store. |
way route course line run |
49 | scared/skeəd/ | ترسیده وحشتزده | صفت |
You scared me half to death. I woke up and you weren't there and it scared me. |
frightened afraid fearful nervous panicky |
50 | mosquito/məˈskiːt̬.oʊ/ | پشه | اسم |
She held up clothing covered in mosquito netting. She slapped the mosquito off her arm and shook her head. |
51 | form/fɔːrm/ | تاسیس کردن تشکیل دادن | فعل |
As she reached the tree, a large black furry form crashed into the trees ahead of her. Sofia saw the tears form in her gaze. |
shape configuration formation conformation structure |
52 | marry/ˈmɛri/ | ازدواج کردن | فعل |
You cannot marry into a higher rung on the ladder. Did he feel obligated to marry her now? |
be married get married wed be wed become man and wife |
53 | rabbit/ˈræb.ɪt/ | خرگوش | اسم |
For the rabbit, it was a bad day. An Antillean rabbit is very abundant. |
coney bunny, bunny rabbit
54 | terrified/ˈter.ə.fɑɪd/ | وحشتزده وحشت داشتن | صفت |
You're brave, but you're terrified as well. He's helped all of them somehow, though he terrified me the time I did meet him. |
petrified scared stiff frightened out of one's wits scared out of one's wits scared witless |
55 | band/bænd/ | گروه (موسیقی و ...) | اسم |
A live band started playing a waltz and he dropped a hand to her waist. The band struck up the newly introduced mazurka. |
belt sash girdle strap tape |
56 | get married/gɛt ˈmɛrid/ | ازدواج کردن | فعل |
57 | shout/ʃɑʊt/ | داد زدن فریاد زدن | فعل |
If only she could shout it to the world. Dean wanted to shout, I killed her, Fred. |
yell cry cry out call call out |
58 | turn/tɜrn/ | پیچیدن | فعل |
But let's see how things turn out. He reached back and tried to turn on the lights. |
go round revolve rotate spin go round and round |
59 | tiger/ˈtaɪɡər/ | ببر | اسم |
The Bengal tiger is not unfrequently met with, and wild boars are abundant. The valley between Incisa and Arezzo contains accumulations of fossil bones of the deer, elephant, rhinoceros, mastodon, hippopotamus, bear, tiger, and more. |
60 | effect/ɪˈfekt/ | تاثیر اثر | اسم |
The changes had an immediate effect. Its effect was immediate. |
result consequence upshot outcome out-turn |
61 | graduate/ˈgrædʒ.u.ət/ | فارغالتحصیل شدن فارغالتحصیل کردن | فعل |
I graduate next month, so I'll let her know with an invitation. I did graduate, though. |
degree holder person with a degree Bachelor of Arts BA Bachelor of Science BSc |
62 | acrophobia/ˈækroʊˈfoʊbiə/ | ترس از ارتفاع بلندیهراسی | اسم |
63 | arachnophobia/əˌræknəˈfoʊbiə/ | عنکبوتهراسی ترس شدید از عنکبوت | اسم |
64 | whale/weɪl/ | نهنگ | اسم |
Those hoses pack a whale of a wallop. He's a personable young man and a whale of a basketball player. |
cetacean, leviathan
65 | retire/rɪˈtaɪr/ | بازنشسته شدن بازنشسته کردن | فعل |
If I had a buck for every flat I fixed, I could retire...no pun intended. They would have had to retire of their own accord, for they had no water for men or horses. |
give up work stop working stop work reach retirement age pension off force to retire force to give up work put out to grass go off |
66 | award/əˈwɔːrd/ | جایزه پاداش | اسم |
The first award was made in 1831. Holdich, The Countries of the King's Award (London, 1904); W. |
give grant confer on present to bestow on gift with |
67 | bat/bæt/ | خفاش | اسم |
How is my little fruit bat doing? They kept Logan's baseball gear there, and she felt the sudden need to have a bat in her hands. |
68 | claustrophobia/ˌklɔstrəˈfoʊbiə/ | تنگناهراسی ترس از فضای تنگ و بسته | اسم |
Items on display should be limited to prevent claustrophobia. Feelings of claustrophobia are a significant problem for many CPAP users. |
69 | ahead/əˈhed/ | جلو رو به رو | قید |
Go ahead and take a seat while I set another place. I'm ahead of them! |
forwards towards the front frontwards onwards on forth in front |
70 | elementary school/ˌɛləˈmɛntri skul/ | دبستان مدرسه ابتدایی | اسم |
71 | keep still/kip stɪl/ | آرام و بیحرکت ماندن | عبارت |
72 | bear/ber/ | خرس | اسم |
I could not bear to see her punished. It wasn't the first time she had seen a bear track, but it was the first time she had seen one that fresh. |
carry bring transport move convey |
73 | suck/sʌk/ | مکیدن | فعل |
Deidre tried to suck in deep breaths. She'd never thought she'd find a reason to want some creature to suck her blood; if ever, now was the time. |
sip sup siphon slurp draw |
74 | captain/ˈkæp.tən/ | کاپیتان (کشتی یا هواپیما) | اسم |
The captain smiled and touched his hat. The captain was responsible for the freight and the ship; he had to replace all loss. |
commander master skipper old man leader head skipper representative |
75 | bird/bɜrd/ | پرنده | اسم |
Some large bird has stolen it from his palace. Even a bird is smart enough to push the fledgling out of the nest when it fails to fly on its own. |
fowl songbird warbler passerine bird of prey raptor chick fledgling |
76 | spider/ˈspaɪdər/ | عنکبوت | اسم |
Giddon exclaimed sharply and clawed a spider web from his face. Until maturity is reached the spider has the power to repair lost or damaged limbs. |
77 | separate/ˈsep.ə.rət/ | جدا شدن طلاق گرفتن | فعل |
Absolutely. You are two separate people. When she gave none, he proceeded down a separate hall. |
unconnected unrelated different discrete distinct |
78 | affect/əˈfɛkt/ | تحت تاثیر قرار دادن تغییر دادن | فعل |
I didn't think about how it might affect you if I got hurt out there. It wasn't possible that it could affect their life together. |
influence exert influence on have an effect on act on work on |
79 | funeral/ˈfjuː.nə.rəl/ | مراسم ختم تشییع جنازه | اسم |
"Funeral plans," he said uncertainly. She dug out the envelope from the funeral home and tore it in half. |
burial burying interment entombment committal |
80 | camel/ˈkæml/ | شتر | اسم |
The camel is found in the northern regions bordering the Sahara. There is also an important camel and cattle market. |
81 | cure/kjʊr/ | علاج درمان | اسم |
I hope it will cure him. One can't cure anything. |
heal restore to health make well make better restore |
82 | fall in love/fɔl ɪn lʌv/ | عاشق (کسی) شدن | عبارت |
83 | chicken/ˈtʃɪk.ən/ | مرغ جوجه | اسم |
She left the chicken coup and broke another trail to the barn. It smelled of chicken and rice and something sweet. |
84 | injure/ˈɪn.dʒər/ | زخمی کردن زخمی شدن، صدمه زدن | فعل |
in 1220 a bull formally recognizing Joachim as orthodox and forbidding anyone to injure his disciples. If carefully conducted, tapping does not injure the tree. |
hurt wound harm damage disable maim |
85 | overcome/ˈoʊvərˌkʌm/ | غالب آمدن چیره شدن، غلبه کردن | فعل |
She stopped struggling, overcome by feelings. Well, I'm the one who decides whether I let darkness control me or I overcome it. |
defeat beat best conquer trounce |
86 | eldest/ˈeldɪst/ | بزرگترین | صفت |
The eldest princess and Prince Vasili, recovering themselves, followed her. His eldest brother appeared less frustrated than normal. |
oldest first firstborn most grown up big |
87 | pocket/ˈpɑk.ɪt/ | جیب | اسم |
He pulled out a pocket watch and looked at it. She dug it out of her pocket and opened it. |
compartment pouch receptacle sack cavity means |
88 | have children/hæv ˈʧɪldrən/ | بچهدار شدن | عبارت |