کاربرد و تفاوت accurate / exact / precise

کاربرد و تفاوت accurate / exact / precise

⭕️ The word exact means that something is perfectly correct.
▶️ an exact replica/copy
▶️ someone’s exact words; the exact wording/phrase
▶️  exact measurements
▶️ an exact amount
▶️ the exact date/time/place
The word accurate can mean “perfectly correct” as well, but it can also mean
“almost correct; correct enough to be useful.”
▶️ an accurate number, measurement, calculation
= a correct number, measurement, calculation
▶️ an accurate description, information, translation, prediction, estimate,
= completely or mostly correct; any tiny differences from the truth are not
significant enough to matter
We can use adverbs of degree with the word accurate:
▶️ Something can be extremely/perfectly/totally accurate – this means it is
perfectly correct, it is exact.
▶️ Something can be reasonably/generally/largely/pretty/fairly accurate –
this means it is not perfectly correct; there are some mistakes, but it is correct
in general.
The word precise also means “perfectly correct”:
▶️ the precise wording of the contract
= the same words contained in the contract
▶️ precise measurements = measurements that are correct
▶️ at that precise moment = at exactly that moment

It has an additional meaning that is “clearly expressed” or “carefully distinct”
▶️ a precise description = a clear and detailed description
▶️ precise directions = clear and detailed directions
▶️ Can you be more precise? = Can you say it more clearly and specifically?

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