استفاده از I'm trying to +verb

با استفاده از این جمله میخواید اینو انتقال بدید که دارید تلاش میکنید که چیزی رو انجام بدید حالا به هر طریقی (ذهنی-بدنی-روحی و ...) 

"I'm trying to get a job."
"I'm trying to call my family."
"I'm trying to enjoy my dinner."
"I'm trying to educate myself."
"I'm trying to explain myself."
"I'm trying new food."
"I'm trying to eat healthy."
"I'm trying to understand."

You may also hear the word 'trying' used to express a way someone is feeling. In this manner, it expresses strain or distress.

Here are some examples:

"Learning new things can be trying on you."
"That marathon was very trying on me."

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