ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | abuse/əˈbjus/ | بدرفتاری کردن مورد خشونت قرار گرفتن | فعل |
Fine, but I'm not going to let him verbally abuse you. When he doth abuse it, judge." |
misuse misapply misemploy mishandle exploit pervert |
2 | abuse/əˈbjus/ | خشونت بدرفتاری، آزار | اسم |
Fine, but I'm not going to let him verbally abuse you. When he doth abuse it, judge." |
misuse misapply misemploy mishandle exploit pervert |
3 | apologetic/əˌpɑləˈʤɛtɪk/ | پوزش آمیز اعتذاری، شرمسار، عذرخواه | صفت |
Their tone is for the most part apologetic, and indicates a great sensitiveness to criticism. Macran's English Apologetic Theology (1905). |
regretful full of regret sorry contrite remorseful |
4 | apologize/əˈpɑl.əˌdʒɑɪz/ | عذرخواهی کردن | فعل |
I am the first to apologize, you know me! We apologize for the mistake and the inconvenience. |
say sorry express regret be apologetic make an apology ask forgiveness |
5 | assurance/əˈʃʊrəns/ | اطمینان تعهد، ضمانت | اسم |
He had the assurance of winning the contest. She waited for some assurance or direction. |
self-confidence confidence self-assurance belief in oneself faith in oneself |
6 | assure/əˈʃʊr/ | اطمینان دادن تضمین کردن، قول دادن | فعل |
reassure convince satisfy persuade guarantee |
7 | commit/kəˈmɪt/ | تعهد دادن مقید شدن | فعل |
She was admitting to a crime she didn't commit, knowing it was her son who did it. Before you commit to a number, think of this. |
carry out do perform perpetrate engage in |
8 | commitment/kəˈmɪt.mənt/ | تعهد | اسم |
I'm simply not ready to face that kind of commitment yet. It wasn't commitment he was afraid of. |
responsibility obligation duty tie charge |
9 | comparable/ˈkɑmpərəbəl/ | مشابه همانند | صفت |
The climate is comparable to that of north Italy. In any attempts to gain an insight into the relations between the physical properties and chemical composition of substances, the fact must never be ignored that a comparison can only be made when the particular property under consideration is determined under strictly comparable conditions, in other words, when the molecular states of the substances experimented upon are identical. |
similar close near approximate akin |
10 | compare/kəmˈper/ | مقایسه کردن | فعل |
I don't compare you to Josh. Check her purse for something she wrote and compare it. |
contrast set side by side juxtapose collate differentiate |
11 | confess/kənˈfes/ | اعتراف کردن | فعل |
"Perhaps you think," he exclaimed, "that this is not parliamentary language; I confess it is not, neither are you to expect any such from me." I don't confess to understanding what happened but it's fascinating. |
admit acknowledge reveal make known disclose |
12 | confession/kənˈfeʃn/ | اعتراف | اسم |
The confession consisted of forty articles. Startled by the confession, Jessi rested her elbows on the table and leaned forward. |
admission owning up acceptance of blame acceptance of responsibility acknowledgement |
13 | cruel/ˈkruː.əl/ | بیرحم ظالم | صفت |
He was a cruel and nasty man. How could she have said such a cruel thing? |
brutal savage inhuman barbaric barbarous |
14 | defenseless/dɪˈfensləs/ | بیدفاع مظلوم | صفت |
He.d left her defenseless when he meant to leave her in peace. She reminded herself she wasn.t defenseless with him this time. |
vulnerable helpless powerless impotent weak |
15 | defend/dəˈfend/ | دفاع کردن | فعل |
I don't have to defend myself against Alex. Why should I not defend myself? |
protect guard safeguard keep from harm preserve |
16 | describe/dɪˈskraɪb/ | توصیف کردن | فعل |
I can't describe how helpless I felt. I can't describe how strange this is, Father. |
report narrate recount relate tell of |
17 | emotion/ɪˈmoʊ.ʃən/ | احساس عاطفه | اسم |
Human emotion could only complicate that. She loved human emotion, but she hated the doubt and insecurity she felt. |
feeling sentiment sensation reaction response passion intensity |
18 | emotive/iˈmoʊtɪv/ | احساسی عاطفی | صفت |
Kim's artwork is smooth and colorful, offering emotive force that is beyond words. The book helps us realize that the autistic world is emotive, empathetic and beautiful. |
inflammatory controversial contentious emotional sensitive delicate |
19 | event/ɪˈvɛnt/ | رویداد رخداد، نتیجه، اتفاق | اسم |
The next important event in my life was my visit to Boston, in May, 1888. This is the fourth event in the past few days. |
occurrence happening proceeding episode incident |
20 | eventful/ɪˈventfl/ | پرحادثه پراتفاق | صفت |
On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. The island of Bornholm has had an eventful history. |
busy event-filled action-packed full lively |
21 | excel/ɪkˈsɛl/ | پیشرفت کردن پیشی گرفتن | فعل |
The mountaineers excel also in a variety of petty trades. The cotton factories excel chiefly in the production of red and printed cottons. |
shine be very good be excellent be brilliant be outstanding |
22 | excellent/ˈek.sə.lənt/ | عالی بینقص، تمام و کمال | صفت |
He was an excellent horseman, and rode as if he were part of the horse. Excellent wine is made. |
very good superb outstanding magnificent of high quality |
23 | explain/ɪkˈspleɪn/ | توضیح دادن شرح دادن | فعل |
There are three small rooms upstairs but we'll explain about them later. Let him explain all of it to his mother. |
describe give an explanation of make clear make intelligible make plain |
24 | final/ˈfaɪnəl/ | قطعی | صفت |
He makes final decision on things. But there was satisfaction in seeing from day to day the evidence of growing mastery and the possibility of final success. |
last closing concluding finishing end |
25 | finalize/ˈfaɪnəlaɪz/ | قطعی کردن نهایی کردن، تکمیل کردن | فعل |
After you finalize the best look, you can even send your picture to your friend to get another opinion. Guests must have a way to contact the party's host to accept or decline the invitation, particularly if there are reservations to be made or formal arrangements to finalize. |
conclude complete bring to a conclusion clinch settle |
26 | follow/ˈfɑl.oʊ/ | پیگیری کردن با علاقه (موضوعی را) دنبال کردن | فعل |
I'll follow you back to the house. He motioned to the others to follow and they all went down the path to the building. |
come behind come after go behind go after walk behind |
27 | following/ˈfɑloʊɪŋ/ | گروه هواداران طرفداران | اسم |
He must have been following us. Kyle said, following her into the kitchen. |
body of support backing patronage public audience circle |
28 | forgive/fərˈgɪv/ | بخشیدن | فعل |
He was quick to forgive her father. I beg you to forgive me. |
pardon excuse exonerate absolve acquit |
29 | fully inclusive/ˈfʊli ɪnˈklusɪv/ | سر جمع کلی، شامل همه چیز | عبارت |
30 | furnish/ˈfɜːrnɪʃ/ | مبله کردن | فعل |
The marriage registers furnish another test of education. The blastostyles, gonophores and gonothecae furnish a series of variations which can best be considered as so many stages of evolution. |
provide with furniture fit out rig out kit out appoint |
31 | furnished/ˈfɜːrnɪʃt/ | مبله | صفت |
How, then, could I have a furnished house? He was furnished with a yacht, the " Heemskirk," and a fly-boat, the " Zeehaen " (or " Sea Hen "), under the command of Captain Jerrit Jansen. |
provide with furniture fit out rig out kit out appoint |
32 | furniture/ˈfɜr.nɪ.tʃər/ | اسباب و اثاثیه لوازم خانگی | اسم |
I didn't get any curtains or furniture yet. They had moved the antique furniture out of her old downstairs room and put it upstairs months before he was born. |
furnishings house fittings fittings fitments movables |
33 | handle/ˈhændəl/ | کنترل کردن اداره کردن | فعل |
hold pick up grasp grip lift feel |
34 | handling/ˈhændlɪŋ/ | کنترل مدیریت | اسم |
You're not handling this one alone. She was far better than I at handling this type of emotion but just then, Molly skipped in the door. |
hold pick up grasp grip lift feel |
35 | heart/hɑːrt/ | قلب | اسم |
Her heart was starting to flutter. Her heart was racing and her breath came quickly. |
ticker emotions feelings sentiments soul mind |
36 | heartless/ˈhɑrtləs/ | سنگدل بیعاطفه | صفت |
Almost all that he gained by his heartless diplomacy was a seat in the council and in the star-chamber. In personal character he has sometimes been described as having been revoltingly heartless; and it is abundantly plain that he was singularly incapable of feeling strongly the more generous emotions - a misfortune, or a fault, which revealed itself in many ways. |
unfeeling unsympathetic unkind uncaring unloving |
37 | house/hɑʊs/ | خانه | اسم |
Come to the house with me. Living in that house and using the pool would be like a summer vacation, not a job. |
home place of residence homestead lodging place a roof over one's head habitation |
38 | housing/ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ | مسکن [وابسته به خانه] | اسم |
Dean spent a pocket full of coins before he found the one housing the person for whom he was searching. Housing is a huge industry that will reward innovative products. |
homes houses places of residence buildings accommodation living quarters dwellings |
39 | include/ɪnˈkluːd/ | شامل کردن | فعل |
His gaze shifted to include Carmen. His published works include numerous sermons and addresses. |
incorporate comprise encompass cover embrace |
40 | inclusive/ɪnˈklusɪv/ | شامل مشمول | صفت |
no fixed and inclusive collection of the apostolic writings. Passing from South Africa to the north polar regions of both the Old and the New World, inclusive of Iceland, we enter the domain of the Arctic fox (V. |
all-in all-inclusive with everything included comprehensive in toto overall |
41 | indescribable/ˌɪndɪˈskraɪbəbl/ | وصف ناپذیر غیرقابل شرح، غیرقابل توصیف | صفت |
His incommensurable and indescribable masterpiece of mingled humour, wisdom, satire, erudition, indecency, profundity, levity, imagination, realism, reflects the whole age in its mirror of hyperAristophanic farce. a means of indescribable torture to a decent man and a prolific source of vice and crime to a criminal. |
inexpressible undefinable beyond description beyond words beggaring description |
42 | indicate/ˈɪndəˌkeɪt/ | نشان دادن اشاره کردن | فعل |
Alex had done nothing to indicate he was unhappy with things the way they were now – and yet, he was definitely troubled about something. This time he didn't simply indicate what he felt. |
demonstrate show point to be a sign of be evidence of |
43 | indication/ˌɪndəˈkeɪʃən/ | نشانه اشاره | اسم |
sign indicator symptom mark manifestation |
44 | inexcusable/ˌɪnɪkˈskjuːzəbl/ | توجیهناپذیر غیرموجه | صفت |
Some might say something I consider even worse: It is inexcusable that some go hungry while you have so much. Such rudimentary and imperfect sketches would be quite excusable in a first draft, but inexcusable and incredible after the Nicomachean Ethics had been written. |
indefensible unjustifiable unjustified unwarrantable unwarranted |
45 | inexplicable/ˌɪnəkˈsplɪsəbəl/ | غیر قابل توضیح غیر قابل فهم | صفت |
Inexplicable anger at the politician surged through her. Maybe he sought her out for some inexplicable reason. |
unaccountable unexplainable incomprehensible unfathomable impenetrable |
46 | occupied/ˈɑkjəˌpaɪd/ | مشغول | صفت |
busy engaged working employed at work |
47 | make a commitment/meɪk ə kəˈmɪtmənt/ | تعهد دادن تعهد کردن | عبارت |
48 | make a confession/meɪk ə kənˈfɛʃən/ | اعتراف کردن | عبارت |
49 | mistake/mɪˈsteɪk/ | اشتباه غلط | اسم |
I won't make the mistake I made with you before. I made a really bad mistake and I don't know what to do. |
error fault inaccuracy omission slip |
50 | mistake/mɪˈsteɪk/ | (کسی را با کسی دیگر) اشتباه گرفتن اشتباه متوجه شدن | فعل |
I won't make the mistake I made with you before. I made a really bad mistake and I don't know what to do. |
error fault inaccuracy omission slip |
51 | notice/ˈnoʊtɪs/ | متوجه شدن | فعل |
I didn't notice how far I was wandering this evening. Carmen glanced at Alex, but he either didn't notice her attention, or he was avoiding her eyes. |
attention observation awareness consciousness perception |
52 | noticeable/ˈnoʊtɪsəbl/ | محسوس قابل توجه | صفت |
However, while noticeable, his damaged appearance was less disagreeable than I expected. Hence the noticeable heaviness of Venetian tracery. |
perceptible discernible detectable distinguishable observable |
53 | occupy/ˈɑkjəˌpaɪ/ | اشغال کردن صرف کردن، (در جایی) سکونت داشتن | فعل |
He went on his way to occupy Syria and Phoenicia. To him it was something to occupy her mind, not something important - like his work. |
live in inhabit be the tenant of tenant lodge in |
54 | origin/ˈɔːr.ə.dʒən/ | منشاء خاستگاه | اسم |
Most Facebook users have people of other ethnicities and national origin as Facebook friends. The dust is chiefly of local origin, but partly comes from the Sahara. |
beginning start origination genesis birth |
55 | originate/əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ | آغاز شدن ابداع کردن، سرچشمه گرفتن | فعل |
In France the Jesuits joined, if they did not originate, the league against Henry of Navarre. Bills may originate in either house. |
arise have its origin derive begin start |
56 | point/pɔɪnt/ | نکته مقصود، منظور، هدف | اسم |
There was no point in working herself up this way. At some point she fell asleep. |
tip sharp end tapered end end extremity prong |
57 | pointless/ˈpɔɪntləs/ | بیفایده بیهوده، بیمعنی | صفت |
It was pointless to even consider the idea. It was pointless to buy a bikini and wear it only once, so Carmen bought a black push-up bra and some skimpy black briefs trimmed with black ribbon. |
senseless futile hopeless fruitless useless |
58 | recognition/ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ | پذیرش به رسمیت شناختن، قبول | اسم |
The societies require government recognition if they wish to enjoy legal rights. Recognition passed over his face. |
identification recollection recall remembrance acknowledgement acceptance |
59 | recognize/ˈrɛkəgˌnaɪz/ | شناختن متوجه شدن | فعل |
I recognize the molding and cornices. The security system didn't recognize her thumbprint. |
identify place know know again pick out |
60 | reputable/ˈrɛpjətəbəl/ | آبرومند خوشنام، مشهور | صفت |
Qat had eleven brothers, not much more reputable than the Osbaldistones in Rob Roy. Forfar seems to have played a less reputable part in the persecution of witches. |
well thought of highly regarded well respected respected respectable |
61 | reputation/ˌrɛpjəˈteɪʃən/ | آوازه اعتبار، شهرت، خوشنامی | اسم |
name good name character repute standing |
62 | severe/səˈvɪr/ | شدید طاقت فرسا، سرسخت | صفت |
On such matters I am only severe with myself. A small, older woman in severe grey opened the door. |
acute very bad serious grave critical |
63 | severity/sɪˈvɛrɪti/ | سختی سختگیری، شدت | اسم |
His severity has remained legendary. The duel between Pierre and Dolokhov was hushed up and, in spite of the Emperor's severity regarding duels at that time, neither the principals nor their seconds suffered for it. |
acuteness seriousness gravity graveness severeness |
64 | simplification/ˌsɪmplɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ | سادهسازی تسهیل | اسم |
great simplification of which they were susceptible-a simplification to which nothing essential has since been added. Series 6, Apocarpeae, is characterized by 5 carpels, and in the last series Glumaceae, great simplification in the flower is associated with a grass-like habit. |
65 | simplify/ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ/ | ساده کردن آسان کردن | فعل |
Here the symmetry points at once to the selection of the three principal axes as the directions for i, j, k; and it would appear at first sight as if quaternions could not simplify, though they might improve in elegance, the solution of questions of this kind. To simplify this, we take a new unit Y, which is 2 of X. |
make simple make simpler make easier to do make easier to understand make easy to do |
66 | suffer/ˈsʌfər/ | رنج کشیدن رنج بردن | فعل |
Don't let him suffer because of me.' I love you all and have done no harm to anyone; why must I suffer so? |
hurt ache be in pain feel pain be racked with pain |
67 | uneventful/ˌʌniˈvɛntfəl/ | یکنواخت بیحادثه | صفت |
His reign was as uneventful as it was brief. The quiet, uneventful scene on the frontier appeared. |
unexciting uninteresting monotonous unchanging boring |
68 | unforgivable/ˌʌnfərˈɡɪvəbl/ | نابخشودنی غیر قابل بخشش | صفت |
But it was often delayed until the deathbed, for the primitive idea that mortal sins committed after baptism were sins against the Holy Spirit and unforgivable, still influenced men, and survived among the Cathars up to the 14th century. Whether it was an unforgivable sin or a miracle, the twins were living babies now. |
inexcusable unpardonable unjustifiable indefensible reprehensible |
69 | unfurnished/ʌnˈfɜːrnɪʃt/ | بدون اثاثیه | صفت |
She promptly asked if he wanted a furnished or unfurnished apartment. In Philodinacea accessory toes are found, unfurnished with cement-glands and distinguished as spurs. |
70 | worthless/ˈwɜːrθləs/ | بیارزش به دردنخور | صفت |
It was a worthless hole. My intelligence far surpasses any of you worthless scum. |
valueless of little value of no value of little worth of no worth |
71 | worthwhile/ˈwɜrˈθwaɪl/ | ارزشمند باارزش | صفت |
It was worthwhile to pursue the ghost writer. It was worthwhile to contribute. |
valuable of value worth it worth the effort useful |
72 | worthy/ˈwɜːrði/ | لایق شایسته | صفت |
Some of the arrangements are worthy of notice. It was for a worthy cause, and I don't regret what I've done, he said. |
virtuous good moral ethical principled |
73 | thing/θɪŋ/ | چیز وسیله | اسم |
How could he do such a thing to his own children? It was a strange thing for a man to say. |
object article item artefact commodity device |