ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | air force/ˈerˌfɔːrs/ | نیروی هوایی | اسم |
2 | armed/ɑrmd/ | مسلح مسلحانه | صفت |
He was armed with several knives, and his silver eyes were fiery. Armed with her notes, she emerged from the library. |
upper limb forelimb appendage member sleeve inlet creek cove |
3 | combat/ˈkɑmbæt/ | نبرد پیکار، مبارزه | اسم |
17) but defeated Bentinck in the combat of Ordal (Sept. They both reached for their combat suits and weapons. |
battle fighting action hostilities conflict |
4 | armed forces/ɑrmd ˈfɔrsɪz/ | نیروهای مسلح (زمینی، هوایی و دریایی) | اسم |
5 | army/ˈɑr.mi/ | ارتش | اسم |
I scouted for the army a few years. I have four sons in the army but still I don't fret. |
armed force fighting force defence force military force the military |
6 | assist/əˈsɪst/ | کمک کردن مساعدت کردن | فعل |
She had the sudden urge to assist him. The money would assist in taking care of her schooling. |
help aid abet lend a hand to lend a helping hand to |
7 | authority/əˈθɔrəti/ | قدرت اقتدار، اختیار | اسم |
Now he was exerting his authority in another way. I didn't mean to sound like some kind of authority on the subject. |
power jurisdiction command control mastery |
8 | bank/bæŋk/ | بانک | اسم |
A bank of clouds was building to the northeast. Her bank account was rarely over two hundred. |
edge side embankment levee border |
9 | composed/kəmˈpoʊzd/ | متشکل تشکیلشده | صفت |
"Half-Sister," Sarah corrected, her voice composed again. He looked startled for a moment, and then composed himself. |
calm collected cool calm and collected |
10 | branch/bræntʃ/ | شعبه | اسم |
I've been studying culinary arts for a few years and recently decided to branch out on my own. It's the closest city with a World Wide branch to Parkside. |
bough limb arm offshoot tributary feeder |
11 | chemical/ˈkem.ə.kəl/ | شیمیایی | صفت |
The chemical smell suggested they were going in the right direction. The advances were not merely mechanical but chemical as well. |
12 | civil/ˈsɪvəl/ | غیر نظامی | صفت |
The last civil war set us back fifty years. Alex was civil to Señor Medena, if not friendly. |
secular non-religious lay laic laical non-military civilian internal |
13 | civilian/səˈvɪljən/ | (فرد) غیر نظامی | اسم |
A civilian dressed older man stepped forward. Floquet, then an elderly civilian, sufficed to check the enthusiasm of his following. |
non-military person non-combatant ordinary citizen private citizen civvy non-military non-combatant |
14 | command/kəˈmænd/ | فرمان دادن دستور دادن | فعل |
He sat in the only seat in the tiny craft, studying Ne'Rin, who transmitted from A'Ran's battle command center on the moon that was his interim home. But when his Serenity took command everything became straight forward. |
order give orders to give the order to tell direct |
15 | command/kəˈmænd/ | (تحت) کنترل (تحت) فرمان، فرمانده، مسئول | اسم |
He sat in the only seat in the tiny craft, studying Ne'Rin, who transmitted from A'Ran's battle command center on the moon that was his interim home. But when his Serenity took command everything became straight forward. |
order give orders to give the order to tell direct |
16 | compose/kəmˈpoʊz/ | تشکیل دادن تشکیل شدن | فعل |
Lisa tried to compose her thoughts and expression. She made an effort to compose herself, taking deep breaths. |
write create devise make up think up |
17 | comprise/kəmˈpraɪz/ | متشکل بودن تشکیل دادن، شامل بودن | فعل |
How many comprise the group? The population is known to comprise a mixture of races. |
consist of be made up of be composed of contain take in |
18 | conscription/kənˈskrɪpʃn/ | خدمت سربازی سربازی اجباری | اسم |
Great Britain, without conscription, has no means of raising troops in any such proportion. Few soldiers were obtained by the conscription, for the government was as weak as it was tyrannical. |
19 | considerable/kənˈsɪd.ə.rə.bəl/ | فراوان قابل توجه، زیاد | صفت |
His note pad was ever present and he spent a considerable amount of time on the phone. She has made considerable progress in the study of arithmetic. |
sizeable substantial appreciable significant goodly tolerable |
20 | considerably/kənˈsɪdərəbli/ | به طور قابل ملاحظهای بسیار، خیلی | قید |
the amount was considerably increased, It was continued till 1869. I guess the feed bill is considerably smaller, too. |
greatly much very much a great deal a lot |
21 | consist/kənˈsɪst/ | شامل شدن متشکل بودن | فعل |
The exports consist of coffee, pepper, cardamoms and coco-nuts. "What does bringing someone in consist of?" she asked. |
be composed be made up be formed comprise contain include |
22 | counter-productive/ˌkaʊntərprəˈdʌktɪv/ | ضدتولیدی زیانبخش | صفت |
admirable in theory but in practice they have become generally counter-productive. Useless or counter-productive public spending cannot possibly justify the coercion involved in levying taxes. |
23 | deadly/ˈded.li/ | مهلک کشنده | صفت |
A rifle cracked, piercing the silence with deadly import. Why so seeming fast, but deadly slow? |
fatal lethal mortal death-dealing life-threatening dangerous |
24 | differentiate/ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃiˌeɪt/ | (از هم) متمایز کردن (از هم) تشخیص دادن | فعل |
Staining reagents can also be used to differentiate lignified cell-walls. It is hardly possible to differentiate between imported and indigenous plants. |
distinguish discriminate make a distinction draw a distinction see a difference |
25 | make a distinction/meɪk ə dɪˈstɪŋkʃən/ | تمایز قائل شدن | عبارت |
26 | distinguish/dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃ/ | تمایز دادن تمایز قائل شدن، تمیز دادن | فعل |
She couldn't distinguish whether it was male or female. Natasha looked in the mirrors and could not distinguish her reflection from the others. |
differentiate tell apart discriminate discern determine |
27 | diverse/daɪˈvɜrs/ | متنوع گوناگون، متفاوت | صفت |
Very diverse communities are groups under this class. The duties of overseers in London had been performed by most diverse bodies. |
various many and various sundry manifold multiple varied |
28 | diversity/daɪˈvɜːrsəti/ | تنوع گوناگونی | اسم |
We are trying to create diversity in the workplace. Our oceans are home to a rich diversity of species. |
variety miscellany assortment mixture mix |
29 | domestic/dəˈmes.tɪk/ | داخلی | صفت |
This is just a domestic disturbance. So far, wee Maria stood head and shoulders over any other domestic helper Bird Song had employed. |
family home private household domiciliary housewifely domesticated |
30 | draft/dræft/ | خدمت اجباری | اسم |
It was a draft of the work published in 1650 under the same title. The facts of the problem would all appear covered by the hypothesis that John the presbyter, the eleven being all dead, wrote the book of Revelation (its more ancient Christian portions) say in 69, and died at Ephesus say in loo; that the author of the Gospel wrote the first draft, here, say in 97; that this book, expanded by him, first circulated within a select Ephesian Christian circle; and that the Ephesian church officials added to it the appendix and published it in 110 -120. |
preliminary version rough sketch outline plan blueprint |
31 | encompass/ɛnˈkʌmpəs/ | در بر گرفتن شامل شدن | فعل |
She knelt in front of him and stood on her knees, lifting her arms to encompass his neck. How am I supposed to encompass so much information in only one lecture? |
surround enclose ring encircle circumscribe |
32 | enlist/ɪnˈlɪst/ | نامنویسی کردن (برای سربازی) | فعل |
Evidently. I'm wondering why you don't enlist help. He even made a generous, though unsuccessful, endeavour to enlist the support of Cicero. |
join up join enrol in sign up for volunteer for take the King's shilling recruit call up |
33 | enlisted/ɪnˈlɪstɪd/ | داوطلب خدمت سربازی | صفت |
Dean was enlisted as part of the convoy to the popular spot. You started down this path when you enlisted the help of the Others. |
join up join enrol in sign up for volunteer for take the King's shilling recruit call up |
34 | exterior/ɪkˈstɪriər/ | (نمای) بیرون ظاهر | اسم |
She headed for the door in the wall that led from the gardens to the exterior of the compound. The exterior is covered with black and white marble; the interior is of grey limestone with bands of a dark basaltic stone. |
outer outside outermost outward external |
35 | exterior/ɪkˈstɪriər/ | بیرونی خارجی | صفت |
She headed for the door in the wall that led from the gardens to the exterior of the compound. The exterior is covered with black and white marble; the interior is of grey limestone with bands of a dark basaltic stone. |
outer outside outermost outward external |
36 | external/ekˈstɜrn.əl/ | بیرونی خارجی | صفت |
outer outside outermost outward exterior |
37 | fundamental/ˌfʌndəˈmɛntəl/ | بنیادی ابتدایی، اساسی | صفت |
In the end, our fundamental challenge is to become better individuals, and technology offers little help on that front; it is up to each one of us to solve that for ourselves. The fundamental substance or stroma is colorless and homogeneous. |
basic foundational rudimentary elemental elementary |
38 | funding/ˈfʌndɪŋ/ | تامین بودجه سرمایهگذاری، بودجه | اسم |
In 1895 an arrangement was made for a reduction of the rate of interest, for the funding of the arrears, and for the creation of a sinking fund. When we first accepted Mr. Cooms' generous funding, we established this secure connection in case he ever had a need to contact us. |
collection kitty reserve pool purse endowment |
39 | guard/ɡɑːrd/ | نگهبان زندانبان | اسم |
"Alright. Take up guard here," he said, moving away. I heard you were a guard at Cañon City. |
protect stand guard over watch over look after keep an eye on |
40 | guard/ɡɑːrd/ | محافظت کردن نگهبانی کردن | فعل |
"Alright. Take up guard here," he said, moving away. I heard you were a guard at Cañon City. |
protect stand guard over watch over look after keep an eye on |
41 | guerrilla warfare/ɡəˈrɪlə ˈwɔːrfer/ | جنگ چریکی جنگ پارتیزانی | اسم |
42 | helicopter/ˈhel.əˌkɑp.tər/ | هلیکوپتر | اسم |
We've got a helicopter on the way. The helicopter dropped and caught. |
43 | huge/hjuːdʒ/ | بسیار بزرگ عظیم، گنده | صفت |
His eyes looked huge when he was scared. This is just a really huge place. |
enormous vast immense very large very big |
44 | in reserve/ɪn rɪˈzɜːv/ | برای روز مبادا پسانداز (پول) | عبارت |
available at hand to hand on hand on call |
45 | interior/ɪnˈtɪriər/ | داخل درون | اسم |
The dark interior set off caution bells again. Toby called from the interior of the warm car. |
inside inner internal intramural on the inside inland inshore |
46 | interior/ɪnˈtɪriər/ | داخلی درونی | صفت |
The dark interior set off caution bells again. Toby called from the interior of the warm car. |
inside inner internal intramural on the inside inland inshore |
47 | internal/ɪnˈtɜrn.əl/ | داخلی | صفت |
Sofia found the internal bleeding. She turned to the door, ignoring the internal voice that begged her to spend the night at his home. |
inner interior inside intramural central middle inside |
48 | lethal/ˈliːθl/ | مهلک کشنده، مرگبار | صفت |
The Watcher took a step back at his lethal tone. "You get one warning," he said in a tone far more lethal than he'd ever used with her. |
fatal deadly mortal causing death death-dealing |
49 | weapon/ˈwep.ən/ | سلاح | اسم |
It wasn't a weapon; it was a key. He reached for the weapon with a shaking hand. |
50 | make up/meɪk ʌp/ | تشکیل دادن | فعل |
be friends again bury the hatchet declare a truce make peace forgive and forget |
51 | merely/ˈmɪrli/ | فقط تنها، صرفا | قید |
He merely asked if she was alright. Ed merely looked at them and then back at Carmen. |
only purely solely simply entirely |
52 | military/ˈmɪl.ə.ter.i/ | نظامی | صفت |
Military science says that the more troops the greater the strength. There are sacrifices in any military campaign. |
fighting service army armed defence |
53 | operation/ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn/ | عملیات فعالیت | اسم |
The figures ran through our operation like a train past a no-stop station. Now I'm able to adjust my method of operation accordingly. |
functioning working running performance action |
54 | military service/ˈmɪləˌtɛri ˈsɜrvəs/ | خدمت سربازی خدمت نظامی | اسم |
55 | missile/ˈmɪsəl/ | موشک موشکی | اسم |
She dodged a pillow missile and retrieved it from the floor. Another missile slammed into the street, and the building around her shook. |
projectile trajectile
56 | mobilize/ˈmoʊbəlaɪz/ | آماده مبارزه شدن آمادهسازی کردن، بسیج کردن | فعل |
began to mobilize an invading force in November 1 743. Prussia had begun to mobilize in November; and Austria also soon realized that action must speedily be taken if the lesser German governments were not to be allowed to get out of hand. |
marshal deploy muster rally call to arms |
57 | navy/ˈneɪ.vi/ | نیروی دریایی | اسم |
The "Norfolk" navy yard is in the southern part of the city of Portsmouth. At the time when further armaments were suspended, the effective strength of the Argentine navy consisted of 3 ironclads, 6 first-class armoured cruisers, 2 monitors (old), 4 second-class cruisers, 2 torpedo cruisers, 3 destroyers, 3 high-sea torpedo boats, 14 river torpedo boats, 1 training ship, 5 transports, and various auxiliary vessels. |
fleet flotilla armada naval force naval task force |
58 | nuclear/ˈnuː.kliː.ər/ | هستهای | صفت |
World War II ushered in the age of nuclear weapons. Is it OK to dump nuclear waste in the ocean? |
59 | capability/ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti/ | توانایی قابلیت | اسم |
My communications capability is limited. He had always been the enemy with the most capability to harm her, yet did the most to help her. |
ability capacity power potential potentiality competence |
60 | nuclear reactor/ˌnuːkliər riˈæktər/ | رآکتور هستهای | اسم |
61 | parachute/ˈpær.əˌʃuːt/ | چتر نجات | اسم |
The helicopter righted itself fast, and she saw the parachute Brady had been trying to release by smashing his fist against the control box in the ceiling. The top of the buggy caught the air like a parachute or an umbrella filled with wind, and held them back so that they floated downward with a gentle motion that was not so very disagreeable to bear. |
62 | peacekeeping/ˈpiːskiːpɪŋ/ | صلحبانی حفظ صلح | صفت |
They are a peacekeeping order, dedicated to protecting and using the "light side" of the Force. A diplomat by nature, he had long served in the peacekeeping capacity among his brothers, before he was rendered dead-dead seven months before. |
63 | reserve/rɪˈzɜːrv/ | نیروی ذخیره ارتش احتیاط | اسم |
Despite his reserve, he could tell Dusty liked her. Our reserve units were able to join up, and the fight was at an end. |
put to one side put aside set aside lay aside keep back keep |
64 | serve/sɜːrv/ | خدمت کردن کمک کردن | فعل |
I serve my own purpose. We all serve the same cause of protecting those weaker than us from evil. |
work for be in the service of perform duties for be employed by have a job with obey |
65 | tank/tæŋk/ | تانک | اسم |
We checked out the tank and the mileage. The tank top displayed his thick biceps and shapely shoulders. |
container receptacle vat cistern barrel |
66 | military/ˈmɪl.ə.ter.i/ | ارتش | اسم |
Military science says that the more troops the greater the strength. There are sacrifices in any military campaign. |
fighting service army armed defence |
67 | unarmed combat/əˈnɑrmd ˈkɑmbæt/ | مبارزه بدون سلاح مبارزه غیر مسلح | اسم |
68 | vest/vest/ | جلیقه | اسم |
Next he removed the vest and placed it neatly beside the jacket. It was known as the Vest Recklinghausen. |
entrust to invest in bestow on confer on grant to |
69 | warfare/ˈwɔːrfer/ | جنگ | اسم |
I'm an urban warfare tactics trainer, specializing in tracking. Commercial warfare was to be avoided because of the cost. |
fighting war combat conflict armed conflict |
70 | former/ˈfɔːr.mər/ | اولی (در بین دو چیز) | ضمیر |
She felt too bad for the former goddess to walk away. Prince Vasili, who still occupied his former important posts, formed a connecting link between these two circles. |
one-time erstwhile sometime late as was previous |
71 | latter/ˈlætər/ | دومی (از بین دو چیز) | ضمیر |
She liked the latter plan much better. Faced with those two, I would far prefer the latter. |
later hindmost closing end concluding |